Load Errors on Launch 1_30_24

Everytime I launch SketchUp, I’m getting a string of Load Error messages (I’m attaching a screenshot of the ones at the top of the message, but there are more.) Not sure how to resolve. Thanks!

looks like (second line) you have an issue with an extensions named “SU_PCP”

a quick search tells me it’s Scan essential

Your profile is not very complete (older profile :wink: ) but I’m gonna assume you have a Pro, not a Studio subscription ?

Sketchup 2023’s installer will install, if you don’t tell him not to, both the Revit importer and Scan Essential extensions. They will only work if you’re using Studio though.
Looks like it’s causing you some problems, you can try deactivating / uninstalling them.

There is some issue with Scan Essentials. It’s telling me to Update each time SketchUp Opens. I try Uninstalling, or updating and then uninstalling, But upon relaunch, I still get a message that the app needs to be updated and its still there. I can’t seem to make it go away!


Go to the Extension Manager and disable Scan Essentials.

OK…Whats the difference between disabling and removing… out of curiosity?

Diabling prevents it from loading when you start SketchUp. Removing it also prevents it from loading and clears up a little space on your drive. You could uninstall it instead of diabling it.

I"ve disabled both Trimble Connect and Scan Essentials. but, there still is some issue with Scan Essentials. It’s still telling me to Update each time SketchUp Opens. I try Uninstalling, or updating and then uninstalling, But upon relaunch (and rebooting my computer), I still get a message that the app needs to be updated and its still there.

Go into the Plugins folder and remove the extensions entirely.

So, I’ve gone into my program files then Sketchup, then plug-ins, and this is what I see…none of these folders contain the plug-in itself. Where do I find it?

It would be in the User/AppData directory, not in Program Files. AppData is normally a hidden folder so you would have to make hidden folders visible first.

Sorry…definitely above my computer skill level…how do I make an invisible folder visible?

That’s why I suggested disabling the extension.

In File Explorer go to View>Options and click on the View tab. Select Show hidden folders …

BTW, please complete your forum profile with SketchUp version, etc.

Just as an FYI…if you read the string, I have disabled the extension, and it is still happening. Sorry this is frustrating for you to direct me, but pretty frustrating for me also (:

My folders are visible, but I am not seeing this folder. Is it in my C drive, program files, Sketchup folder, etc?

The extension is not in Program Files. It’s in User/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2023/SketchUp/Plugins.
Screenshot - 1_30_2024 , 11_26_19 AM

AppData is a normally hidden folder. If you don’t have hidden folders being shown you need to show them as I described.

Okay…thanks. That finally solved the problem.

Good deal. Now please complete your forum profile.

Poked around a bit, but not sure where to do that…can you point me in the right direction please.

Click on the D in the blue circle at the top right corner of the forum window. Click on the person icon and then Preferences followed by Profile. After you complete the profile remember to scroll to the bottom of the page to save the changes.