This forum post will be the communities petition where we are advocating for more development to be done to layout at a much faster pace and for trimble to create a roadmap page for it’s applications sketchup/layout. If you’d like to see one of these things happen, or both, please leave a comment in this post. In your comment, you might bring up old posts that have been long standing feature requests/problems in layout or even sketchup related. This post is currently being reviewed by Trimble managers.
05/17/2021 2:31pm, GMT-7:
Thanks for your reply. Your post on the forum was actually an important topic raised throughout SketchUp as a whole recently. I can’t speak too in-depth on the subject but I can tell you that our Directors of Product Management and Engineering are meeting with our General Manager to really discuss the forum post and our priorities as a whole.
I also wanted to let you know that our entire team had a great conversation about your post and is very thankful for your efforts to moderate the thread and keep it constructive. It really means a lot to our team.
Finally, your post has stirred a strong desire from our Product Manager ******** who would love to have a 1:1 discussion with you next week. If you can share some days next week and any particular time of day that you might be available to chat, ********* will reach out and set something up!
05/17/2021 7:41pm, GMT-7: - (A comment from a Trimble staff member)
This post was talked about in a meeting that had every senior person in the company, including the CEO. I was there too, but I digress…
Today’s message was that a redacted named person will formulate a meaningful response.
05/18/2021, GMT-7:
I have a scheduled meeting with a Trimble staff member on Wednesday the 26th. I will update everyone on the results of the meeting after it happens.
05/26/2021, GMT-7:
I’ve just finished my meeting with one of trimbles staff. No bad news to express (in my point of view). This petition thread/post will receive a response from a staff member as early as tomorrow morning May 27th, in efforts to give the community a summarized response. When the response has been given I’ll update it here for easy navigation.
05/27/2021, GMT-7:
Hi everybody,
I’ve been following this thread since Tucker kicked it off almost three weeks ago. In that time, our team has convened to review both current and future efforts to improve LayOut. We’ve also discussed what we can do differently, because a status quo of customer frustration or resignation is a terrible outcome both for you and for Trimble.
It’s not easy to reply candidly and constructively. I don’t for a second discount the visceral anger you may feel when LayOut becomes unresponsive (it’s real; I’ve experienced it!). And while there is a lot of context to how our team works and the technical determinants of performance, I don’t want to placate with long-winded explanations.* Our business is subscription-based, so our job is to consistently improve your experience with our products. The results speak for themselves in this thread.
I agree that you deserve more transparency from us. Many of you posting here have contributed a lot to this community by helping others find their way into SketchUp and LayOut, identifying and reproducing bugs, and providing highly detailed feedback about your workflow experience with our products. The ‘terrible outcome’ for Trimble is that those of you contributing to this forum petition – I believe – would likely be LayOut’s most staunch advocates if you saw more progress in our work.
So will this thread change things for you? Only if we behave differently. So, here are a few things we plan to do differently:
- Our team can give you more transparency into what we are working on. We plan to pilot a way to share our feature development objectives. Equally important is providing a way to consolidate community support for your ideas and issues, so that we can understand your input beyond a single forum thread. We’ll likely start with LayOut expanding a feedback channel for SketchUp and other products. I will post an update when we have something to share.
- We can incorporate LayOut performance baselining and testing into our development process. SketchUp and LayOut are very interconnected, and it’s true that some improvements in SketchUp have adversely affected LayOut in the past few years. We need to make sure that we don’t take steps backwards when we are trying to move forward.
- I can make sure more people at Trimble see and understand your frustration. LayOut is not the only product we develop and maintain, but I feel that it is one of the more important buttresses of the SketchUp ecosystem. On a personal basis, I plan to make sure that it doesn’t take a petition for the needs of this community to be top of mind for decision-makers on our team. When we make choices about what to work on, we should be explicitly weighing the trade-off between starting something new and shoring up/progressing LayOut.
Thank you for sharing your feedback in a candid and constructive way. Even in your grievances and skepticism, I sense that many of you are rooting for SketchUp and LayOut to succeed. For that, you have every right to expect more from us. We’ll keep at it, with the sincere intention of breaking the status quo.
Mark Harrison
Product Manager , Trimble Inc.
- But I’m certainly willing to dive into the details. Please, DM me if you’d like to learn more about how our team works, the peculiar challenges of LayOut performance, and what we are working on next.
Original Post:
Original Posts title: Layout Will Not Listen Or Respond To The Community:
Enough is enough. What is it going to take to get Trimble to significantly improve their ouput on development for Layout? Do we need to sign a petition or something for you guys (trimble) to wake up?
The other day a well known plugin developer was complaining about layout to me over email, I didn’t even bring Layout up, he just on his own free will decided to complain about it to me.
Why is there no customer service trimble!? Where is a product roadmap that shows you guys care about customer service and you care about the development of this program? Where is the development?
Do we need to fillout a petition or disband the programs entirely? The program is OUT OF DATE and there are a lot of users who eventually will just drop your company I’m sure of it. There may be a lot of users who are “just fine” with using Layout, but the way I and many people see it, it takes your team forever to get anything done on Layout and the program is still extremely slow in certain ways and out of date by a long shot compared to many applications.
I was told by a team member of trimble recently that it would take more feedback from the community to start making things change faster for layout, are you kidding Trimble? Does Trimble read any of the posts over the past years of which constantly complain about these issues? It’s the same issues year after year.
I really hope people start and or continue to speak up here, I made two other posts about this and the community is silent. I know this has been talked about a lot, you’d think things would get better, but unfortunately the conversation needs to continue being had. So if you (the community) have an opinion on this please continue speaking up.
I’m getting really tired of this. A lot of people are really tired of this. We need a roadmap so that the users are not in the dark and we need to start seeing some real development on sketchup and layout instead of just a few small features released each year.