Layer.material instead of layer.color

I asked this already on DevCamp in Lisbon, but I ask it again but now I show you why!

Please give me the method layer.material, you gave me layer.color instead*

Why I need this…

Maybe you don’t know (and if it’s a bug, please DON’T FIX IT), but when you assign a material to a layer instead of a color and you use ‘Color by Layer’ in combination with the ‘hidden line render’ mode. Everthing is white except the textures. This is a very nice feature to create very clean architectural drawing without you need to assign white to almost everything. We support this method in Skalp but the user need to do lot of things manually because the missing method layer.material.

This is the result:

and this is how we do it:

*Of course you don’t need to remove Layer.color

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I added a reference to this post in our issue regarding Layer.material.