Is Maintenance and Support, a joke?

We use Trimble Connect to move our information from our Data Collector and RTS from field to office. Work it in TBS HCE and then save it to Dropbox where I grab it store it on my local drives for use in HCE the export from TBS as a .DWG into SU19 for the VR and Rendering. I then move it back into Trimble Connect for storage till ready to render and it goes into DB as a MP4/JPEG.
I save on local drives and post render my day on local drives so if anyone has an idea how I should rearrange the daily flow i am all ears.
You all have been a great help, with a huge shout out to GSTUDIOS. I have been on the boards for a long time lurking (under a diff name) now i got the ok to go public and post so I hope to learn more and be able to help out in anyway I can.