Is there API of hidden progressbar when exporting?
I don’t think so, but it might help if you described more fully what you are doing. What format are you exporting and how are you launching the exporter?
WHY would you want to do this anyway? The user cannot be doing anything else whilst the export is happening, so the progress bar helps the user know that they must wait until the file write is finished.
Otherwise, there would be a wait cursor, and the user would wonder why they cannot do anything.
I have to agree with @DanRathbun. In fact, API support for providing a progress bar is a common request from developers.
@DanRathbun @slbaumgartner Because I want to develop a plugin(get triangled mesh data of selected entity). Maybe a easy way is: 1)exporting .obj format file using Ruby API; 2)load .obj format file in my plugin. During step 1 and 2, I want display a wait cursor instead of the default progressbar(only valid in step 1).
Is there a better way to implement the above requirement?
Perhaps you can consider this method instead:
The Face #mesh method creates a polygon mesh that represents the face.
But as we said, it is not possible to suppress the progress bar whilst exporting to files. The progress bar during file write scenarios is standard UX in the software world.
To display another cursor would require that you temporarily activate a custom tool. See: