Invisible errors


I have a recurring situation when designs made in ‘SketchUp Make’ are loaded into FlashPrint which reports there are errors in the file.
There is an option to correct the errors which works mostly but sometimes the print has odd artefacts.
My question is this, is there any way in Sketchup to find these errors before the STL file is loaded into FlashPrint?
At the moment the only way I can proceed in a lengthy 3d design is to constantly save the file as STL and load it into FlashPrint.
If errors are reported I can return to Sketchup and undo stages and reload into Flashprint to find what step caused the error.
This is very time consuming.
Also, I have no idea what these reported errors are. I can see nothing wrong with model shown in Sketchup.
Best regards, Bruce Piggott

How about sharing one of your SKP files in which this happens? That would make it possible for us to tell you what might be causing the errors.

OK, that would make sense
camera_plate8.skp (1.3 MB)
I have uploaded a SKP file. I’ve not done this before. Is that code above OK?

Yes, that worked fine. I made a component of the plate and then ran Solid Inspector2 on it. That made it easy to find the errors.

The 3D Text is already a component but it is separate from the plate. Are you wanting that text to be printed as part of the plate? If so, its geometry needs to be combined with the geometry of the plate into a single solid component or group.

Thanks for the prompt reply.
I can now see where the errors are but I don’t understand why they are errors. All I did was push and pull surfaces to adjust the dimensions. I will have to experiment.
Also, yes, I do want the text to be part of the plate and indeed after correcting the errors in Flash Print they were printed correctly. I see that the text is not shown as an error. I will have to investigate this.
Now I need to locate the program you used (Solid Inspector2) to find and show the errors.
Once again, thank you.

I’ve found the Solid Inspector2 site. I will download and learn. Cheers, Bruce

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I expect part of it may be the way you had originally created the surfaces to be extruded. If the original end was divided into multiple faces which you extruded individually, you would easily get those internals.

SketchUp makes the 3D text solid from the beginning but you’d need to explode the text component and combine its geometry with the plate. There’ll be some internal faces at the bottom of the letters that you would need to get rid of. When it’s all done you should get something like this.

Thanks again. I am now watching a Solid Inspector2 instructional video. Obviously I have a lot to learn. Cheers, Bruce

Good, good. It comes with time and practice.

You might find it useful to switch the face style to X-ray from time to time to take a look at the inside of your model as you go. Also, the more you model, the more you’ll be able to anticipate what will happen when you do certain things and in certain orders. Sometimes you’ll create less work for yourself doing something one way as compared to a different way.

Hi, having trouble location an app that can unload the rbz files that Solid Inspector comes in.
Do you know of an app that can do this or any other way of running Solid Inspector?
Cheers, Bruce

You can install a rbz (ruby zip) file directly from within SketchUp, which version of SU are you using?

Cotty beat me to it.

You’re using SU2016 so you go to Window>Preferences>Extensions, click on Install Extension… navigate to and open the RBZ file you downloaded and proceed from there. Better is to just use the Extension Warehouse directly in SketchUp to install.

Thanks, done that, problem fixed. If you lived nearer I’d buy you a pint. Cheers, Bruce

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If I lived nearer, I’d drink it. :smiley:

Happy you got it fixed.


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