Share your .skp file so we can see what you’ve really got. It’s difficult to tel from your screen shot.
It looks to me as if you are getting the same thing he got. He also lost the the faces. It’s too bad he didn’t show the right method that would avoid the loss of the faces. It’s not difficult nor does it involve any plugins as he asserts.
I’m using keyboard shortcutsfor some of this. Starting with the cylinder outside the component. Select the cylinder geometry, Ctrl+X to cut it to the clipboard. Open the component for editing. Paste in place (I have set up a keyboard shortcut for that). Select the geometry. Intersect Faces>With Selection. Delete what isn’t needed. Correct the face orientation.
The geometry for your finger notch is outside of the component containing the drawer front geometry.
You should explode Component#14 and Component#15 to leave the three drawer front component instances (Component#16) separated. If you are going to follow his method, you need to draw a new cylinder. Then open the top one for editing before selecting and intersecting the faces. After that you can erase the unneeded geometry and draw in the edges to create the faces as he did. Or follow what I did in the GIF above.
I just added “Outliner” to my version of Maker 2017 and exploded the drawer fronts
I created the cylinder outside of the parts
I edited the top drawer front, Intersect Faces with Model
Deleted the intersecting surface with an eraser. It looks like it worked.
At this stage I am unable to replicate what you did above, but following the Youtube video worked
Thanks for your help! Sketchup is the best 3d software I have ever used, everything else I used was ab absolute nightmare.
/by the way, the inadvertent nesting thing isn’t terribly uncommon with new users. Typically though they make a component and then open it for editing, select all of the loose geometry and copy that so they end up with a single component container around two lumps of geometry.
You, like the author of the video, left the geometry of the cylinder outside of the component. I cut the cylinder to the clipboard, opened the component for editing and pasted the cylinder in place (Edit>Paste in place or a user-set keyboard shortcut as I mentioned).
With the cylinder outside of the component the only geometry getting the intersection is the faces inside the component. With the cylinder inside the component, the intersection affects both the cylinder and the faces of the drawer front. The surface I end up with in the notch is the remains of the cylinder.
There are some times when you will have to stitch across to close faces so knowing about that is good. In the case of the finger pull notch, there’s not all that much to do (although I think it’s still too much time spent for what you get) but imagine using his workflow for the stopped chamfers on the undercarriage of a hayrake table like this…
Or cutting out the leg for this table.
Betsy Ross could sew up a new flag by hand in less time. And she’s been gone for 185 years.
Be aware that back in the earlier versions, such as yours, having Outliner open can slow things down. So it is generally a good idea to only open it when you need it and close it again especially when doing complex things.
Having tried the method shown above by DaveR, it is much easier and faster than the method in the youtube video, which leaves a mess.
At least when I get stuck with Sketchup, there’s a understandable way to fix it. Solidworks and “Alias StudioTools” left me angry and turned off from ever attempting 3d again.
While it’s fresh in your mind I would suggest setting up that keyboard shortcut for Paste in place. I use it much more than normal old Paste. Very handy in a lot of different ways.