Hey you Magical People…
I need the help of a SketchUp Yogi master to teach me the right path with SketchUp.
Have been using SketchUp for a good few years but have managed to fudge my way along and there has to be a better way.
I use SketchUp to create Visualisations of our tech hardware…
These are created from DWG Files (This is possibly where the problem is occurring)
I then pull each of these together to create a bundle (Imagine, Screen, Keyboard, Mouse)
I then place these into a situational model or say an office with 20+ Workstations, Each with the bundle on…
Once the model is completed the customer may decide they want to change all of the keyboards to a different type, as they are components I just reload them with the alternate keyboard and hey presto… the model is updated.
Sometimes this works and others its a car crash, also my models are going soooo slow its taking me days to model simple things…
I’m happy to pay for the advice and guidance on this…
please get in touch as I am rocking back and forth at my office desk