I have deleted a nearly finished project and can't find how to get it back

I have been working on a project on layout for days and have deleted it accidentally and can’t find how to get it back. I was on one of the two pages of the project and I went to switch between pages and I clicked the “add new page” tab. when I went to delete the page I had added it delete both of the pages I had been working on and when I clicked “undo” immediately after nothing happened.

I checked the finder on my computer to see if there was any copies of the file that had been saved into there but the only parts of the drawing that had was extremely old and not even close to the completion level of the one I deleted.

please help me if you know anything about restoring deleted files

So you’ve only deleted a couple of pages in the project but not the whole project?

Unfortunately it’s not likely that there’s anything to recover at this point unless you had saved shortly before deleting the pages. Did you save the file at any point in the process? Did you look for a backup of your file? If you had saved it there should be a backup file of it in the same directory as the file you saved.

Unfortunately the project is only two pages so I deleted the entire doc. I did save earlier on in the project but was not save as I went on as I thought the project was auto saving. It probably was auto saving within the layout program but directly onto my computer.

thank you for your help!

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