I can't save my Sketchup file

This still seems to be a problem. I’m unable to save using the free web-based version. When I go to TrimbleConnect, it says I have too many existing projects (I don’t have any). I have already cleared cache, etc in Chrome.

“Please upgrade your account to create more projects. If you have been assigned a license logout and login to use your license.”

Trimble Connect had an issue yesterday which caused this problem. It should be fixed now, are you still seeing it? Can you try logging out and back in?

It’s still a problem:

“Please upgrade your account to create more projects. If you have been assigned a license logout and login to use your license.”

I’ve logged out, cleared the cache, restarted chrome, logged back into trimble connect. I get the error shown above.

Can you go to connect.trimble.com login with the same credentials and manually create a project? Then come back to SketchUp and check if you can see that project?

Sorry, we’ve been having issues with automatically created projects and we are looking into it.

I already tried that. I’m having trimble delete the account and I’ll re-create it.

For what it’s worth, I suspect this kind of thing is a major reason why some SketchUp users are very reluctant to explore SketchUp for Web. If Trimble Connect cannot sustain, say, five-nines of availability, it’s not interesting.

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I am have issues saving my project using Sketchup Free 2018.
This is also an issue creating. I have attached the error message if that helps.


Any suggestions would be welcomed.


Hi the message says ‘Sorry, we seem to be having problems looking up your models. Our team has been notified’. this happens when I try to save something.

I have the same problem it’s so frustrating!

I have a drawing that is 1081KB. If I do anything else to it, even just draw a line, it won’t save.
I get the message “This model could not be uploaded to your account.”

I’m using Firefox.

Edit: If I open the drawing in Google Chrome, I get the footprint, not the 3D model. It is apparently the same size.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

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