Hello, can you tell how to ask my invoice following my purchase in june 2022?
I need it for my accountant to do my balance sheet.
When i log in my account management portal i can see my payment. However I cannot see the invoice linked to my payment.
How to ask Trimble to send me my invoice again?
Thanks for helping me.
Note : If you need an invoice or receipt, please check the email associated with your account. If you can’t find it right away, try searching for donotreply@trimble.com in both your inbox and your spam folder. If you still can’t find it, you can request another copy by contacting either your SketchUp Reseller if you used one, your Sales Rep, or through Customer Support. In the request, please include the date of purchase, account number, and purchasing email address.
Please use this link to submit a ticket to support team to request your invoice.
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