clicking 3 times in the component so it select all won’t work for me because I don’t want the interior faces to be painted. How may I do this?
clicking 3 times in the component so it select all won’t work for me because I don’t want the interior faces to be painted. How may I do this?
Unfortunately, this video also won’t play on my computer, so I am not sure what you are trying to do.
Clicking three times will open a component for edit and select all the entities within it (both edges and faces). Why are you doing this if you don’t want to paint them? What is it that you want to paint?
You have triple-clicked to select all the connect faces, both inside and out. You need to paint each surface individually to avoid painting the inside faces.
You could use the Selection Toys extension to select only the “front Default Material”
We may be running into a terminology issue. Every face in SketchUp has a front side and a back side, like a piece of paper. In a solid group or component, all the back sides must face toward the interior of the solid, where material would be in a real solid. That might be what you mean by “inside”?
However, though it doesn’t break anything there is no purpose in painting those back sides because they will never be seen and putting a material on them does not cause SketchUp to fill the solid with that material. Just paint the exposed front sides and be done with it.
Tap shift before painting, it will paint only the faces that have the same material.
I dint see…what was the video?
Didn’t post any video….
Yes. They will not be shown. But I receive this ruge and heavy file to adapt and make it lighter.
All the backfaces was painted with heavy materials from enscape library. So I need to change those faces to default. But sometimes they wont change to default and I dont know why…maybe a bug? like in the video. I set default but when I go with the paintbucket to paint the face it comes with the material there is in front. In this case of this video, even cames with a weird green texture…
I still can’t play any of your videos!
Edit: I managed to downland and view the video using a different player. I don’t know why safari and quick time player don’t like your videos…but anyway…
I can’t tell from the video what is going on, but my suspicion would be an issue with nested groups and/or coloring of groups as a whole vs coloring of individual faces in groups. Is it possible for you to share the skp file so that folks here can examine it more carefully? If it is too large to drag directly into a post (greater than about 16MB) you can upload it to a sharing service such as DropBox or WeTransfer, make it shared, and provide the link to it here.
Sure. Here it is.
test a.skp (12.6 MB)
The issue is indeed with confusing painting of both containers (groups and components) and faces inside those containers. Your sectional component (GOMO DO SOFA#1) has one material on the entire component, a different one on each of the groups nested inside it, and yet another on each side of the faces inside those groups! Assigning a non-default material to a face will cause it to show instead of the material of its container, and assigning a material to a container will cause it to show on any nested face that has the default material applied.
Here’s how I would go about fixing up your model (I won’t fix it for you, as I don’t know which materials were actually meant to go where, and it will be good for you to learn how to do it yourself).
- First, decide which of the materials you actually want to show on each object. As I noted, there are three different materials that might have been intended for each. I have no way to know which is right because the materials from nested faces will dominate those on their containers!
- Next work your way down the nesting from the outside in, replacing the material on each container with the default material so that what will be seen is the material ultimately applied to the faces.
- At the innermost group, select all the faces (this is made easier with ThomThom’s selection toys, but the model is not so complex that this is terribly time consuming with built-in tools). Replace the material on the back side with the default material, and replace the material on the front side with whatever you chose in the first step. Repeat this for each of the other nested groups.
Because of the nesting structure of the model, you only need to do this for one of the sectional components and it will immediately apply to all the others too.
You can use a similar process to fix up the materials issues with the legs.
Thank you! Iam going to try it here.
Another question is
in this Select toys plugin tutorial, the guy orbits his camera diferently…it doesnt look like the orbit from Skp
Could you tell what he uses to do it? the orbit symbol doesnt even appears on screen like the orbit icon from skp does.
Most likely a space mouse from 3DConnexion.
You can also try:
Select a face with the material you want to change, right click on it, pick All With Same Material from the context menu to get all faces that match.