How to open ruby console in SketchUp Layout 2020

I tried to enable Ruby consloe in SketchUp Layout 2020, but I didn’t find the Ruby Console window and I checked the Shortcut, it didn’t find / Ruby console. What should I do?

I have just loaded VBO Grids from the extension warehouse and included it in a model. The instructions say to load a code into the Ruby Console in Layout

and there is also a video where this is shown but I cannot replicate it.

I’m hoping to find out how to activate it, there must be a way.

See this post from over a year ago. I don’t know if any 2019 versions still has that test code in it:

the developer says on another plugin`s page:
" * If you are using 2020 and can not find the console in LayOut by ‘Send To LayOut’ command, please install and keep 2019 version, not have to use it, just for the 2020 version can have the LayOut’s Ruby Console."


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I just purchased VBO grids also and I can’t open the ruby console either.

Don’t purchase this plugin until Sketchup has developed 3rd party extensions in layout as it doesn’t work.

Hopefully Sketchup will purchase this plugin and integrate it into their software as it would make the step to documentation in Sketchup so much easier.

It does work and useful on Layout if you following as Henrik Ender notes.
Good luck.

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That could help: How to open SketchUp LayOut with Extensions menu appearing. - YouTube

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