How to get ComponentInstance or Group world transformation?

hi all,

i want to export .skp model to unreal engine. everything is ok, but i can’t get the correct world transform for the componentinstance or group. when i use the SUComponentInstanceGetTransform, it return the relative transform. is there any way to get the instance/group world transform? or has the interface like: SUComponentInstanceGetWorldTransform?

You will need to combine the transformations as you dig down into the model hierarchy using:

The model level entities would have an identity transformation.

@tt_su Does the C API define a constant for IDENTITY ? (I cannot find it in the documentation.)

ANSWER: No. Not yet. I proposed a new constants file for the C API almost 4 years ago, see:

thanks for the reply.

i have tried to dig the hierarchy, but the result seems not correct. the model hierarchy like this:

if the method is wrong, how can i dig/get the correct model hierarchy?

There is an example of walking the model hierarchy in the SDK “sample” folder.

:grinning: got it! thanks