How to create the custom plugin on 2023 version

Hi all,
I am new to the sketch Up and I am trying to create the new plugin. Please guide me on how to create, load and execute the plugin. I was referring to the some of the videos from you tube but it seems to be unsupported for the version 2023.

Thanks in Advance

Your forum profile says you are using SketchUp Free (web). Is that correct? If so, that version does not support extensions.

If not, please correct your profile, as it affects our answers. Then search the forum. There are numerous topics about Ruby programming and extension writing.

To create an extension do I need something else?

I am able to download the free extension form extension warehouse and use.

Will you please suggest some topic for writing an extension using ruby or c.

Thank you

A prerequisite to writing SketchUp extensions is to understand how SketchUp works and how it’s models are organized.

(1) First learn core Ruby

(2) Understand how Ruby extensions files and folders are organized:

(3) Study the SketchUp Ruby API which extends core Ruby.

(4) Examine example extensions:

(5) Learn how to search the forum and a specific forum subcategory using the forum’s :mag: search feature (the icon at the top right.)


Thanks for the help.
I have created the extension and submenu successfully.

Currently I am implementing some functionality on the click of the submenu.
Is there any way to get the response of these submenu in the c/c++ ?(As I am implementing the logic in it.)

Thank you in advance.

See this page from the C SDK

Interfaces for exchanging data between SketchUp’s Ruby API and C API : ruby_api.h

Thanks for the help.

I was working on retrieving the model data like vertex data, normal data and face indices. I am getting the coordinate from the code motioned in the SDK’s example but unable to get the face indices.

Thank you in advance.

This category is for Ruby coding within SketchUp, so …

Please begin a new topic thread in the SDK category, with code snippet(s) that you are having problems with.

Include a test model file also.