How to align with with rotate tool?

how to align with with rotate tool in a kind of diagonal angle? like in the video I want to align that object with the line that is not horizontal or vertical

my suggestion would be to use the MoveAlignMe extension from Fredo6 (on Sketchucation). It has 2 main functions, but from what you describe, use the Move and Glue feature. This will allow you to pick the base point of what you want to rotate, and then pick a point or a face of where you want to align the object to.

Am I not understanding something or is this the most basic way to rotate an object? If you need to rotate in 2 directions, on the x and z axes, you need to rotate the group first on one axis and then on the other.

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when you use the rotate tool, the very first point you pick is the ā€œhingeā€ if you want.
in your video, you placed it in two different locations, non were right.

the rotation point or hinge remains immobile. since youā€™ve made a guide line to see the angle you need to reach, and since the guideline touches a specific point or your wall, thenā€¦ thatā€™s the point you need to click on.

second point is like the ā€œdoor handleā€. thatā€™s where you grab your object, the initial position. and the third click is where you want that handle to arrive.

see this simplified version of your situation

if I pick any other point than the top left, I canā€™t be precise.
if I rotate around the top left point, then click along the left side, then on the guideline, I have a perfectly aligned rectangle.

The first two clicks are important, choose a dedicated point to start the rotation after picking the ā€˜center of rotationā€™.
Once it is in that state, you can hover over edges (no guidelines!) anywhere in the model to pick up itā€™s angle or direction. If the ā€˜On Edgeā€™ tooltip shows up, it is ā€˜loadedā€™ in the reference engine. Press Down arrow key to lock parallel or perpendicular to that edge:
