How does colorised texture work?

We should probably document this in a page in the documentation. Let start here in making the first attempt - let me know if you need more details.

(EDIT: We now have documented it: GitHub - SketchUp/sketchup-colorize-algorithm: Explanation of SketchUp's colorization algorithm)

SketchUp perform two types of color adjustments:

If you set a material color for a textured material via the Ruby API’s Sketchup::Material.color= it sets the type to Sketchup::Material::COLORIZE_TINT.

You can toggle the type using Sketchup::Material.colorize_type=

The UI have a checkbox:


For what is happening on our end:

  • Each pixel is processed one by one.
  • RGB value is converted to HLS.


  • Adjustment Hue is added to Pixel Hue
  • Hue ensured to be within 0-360 range by rolling around.
  • Adjustment Saturation is added to Pixel Saturation (clamped to 0.0-1.0).
  • Adjustment Lumination is added to Pixel Lumination (clamped to 0.01-1.0).


  • Pixel Hue is set to Adjustment Hue
  • Hue ensured to be within 0-360 range by rolling around.
  • Adjustment Saturation is added to Pixel Saturation (clamped to 0.0-1.0).
  • Adjustment Lumination is added to Pixel Lumination (clamped to 0.01-1.0).

Converting back to RGB
If the resulting Pixel Saturation is 0.0 the RGB is set to the Pixel Lumination
If not, regular HLS to RGB conversion

Maybe I should write this out into pseudo code or Ruby code…

Btw, I just noticed that the C API is lacking the properties to determine the deltas and colorization types. That will need to be added.