History the previous version in sketchup

Hi, I saved as my project in sketchup but I would like to see the previous saved version is it possible? Can I see some history ?Thank you

One way you can see in my recent post.:

There is a more sophisticated solution too.
Use Trimble Connect. Unfortunately myself, not an expert, but I know its allow you to go and see all saved history of the project.

Click on
Launch Trimble Connect and see, if you can figure out, what you can get? (Perhaps other will advise more…)


Thank you very much, it looks that it can help and when I click on timble connect then which one to choose?

Are you still using SketchUp 2019 as indicated in your forum profile? What operating system? You answered 2019 for that, too, but that isn’t the answer. Please update/correct your forum profile.

If you have a current subscription to SketchUp you cango to File>Trimble Connect and click on Publish Model. In the panel that opens, create a Project folder and then publish (upload) your file to it. Each time you publish the file to Trimble Connect you’ll add a new revision and be able to access older versions. Here’s an example of one of my files in Trimble Connect showing there are 49 versions. If you click on the link you can see all of them with the dates they were created. You can open any of them.