GeoJson Export - Mapbox

Hello there,

I am trying to find a way to export a model as a GeoJson so I can bring my model directly into Mapbox.

I’m a mac user, so CityBuilder isn’t working for me.

Does anyone have a workaround or any tips?


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What’s this?

Hi, Im having exactly the same issue, did you find any solution ?

You’re having the exact same issue as the OP while you are using the free web version of SketchUp?

I see there is no option to export into GeoJSON either on Desktop version (mac),
I did export it into Collada and then import it using ThreeJS in Mapbox and it works fine, but Ideally i would like to use GeoJSON format as shown in this example:

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@carlosalvarez1391 @brickworksllc You could use Modelur’s built-it GeoJSON export capabilities…