Formato de archivo inesperado sketchup

There was a problem with a component named “Grupo#8”. I was able to recover everything else.

LUCEROfinal recovered.skp (5.3 MB)


LUCEROfinal.skp (5.3 MB)

You seemed to sign up twice to post the same problem file. See my other reply.

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@NicollMontoya0308 debes conceder acceso público a los archivos, no hay como descargarlos.

This recovered file shows nothing in the scene, but the file size is nearly as big as the original file. That may mean that you have components in the Components tray that include large areas of the scene. Try to rebuild the model by using the bigger components.

Mira en la bandeja de componentes, quizás esté parte de tu modelo aún allí

Abre la bandeja do componentes…

Como dijo Colin:

Abre este…

No creo que te sirva de mucho el archivo recuperado, todos los componentes son de modelos descargados de la 3D warehouse. ¿Qué es lo que estabas modelando? porque los assets que estabas usando son innecesariamente detallados, tienes personal con millones de polígonos al igual que plantas, almohadas, toallas y cosas pequeñas como un jabón líquido de baño con miles de polígonos. Deberías aprender a utilizar adecuadamente los modelos de la 3D warehouse y saber cuales te convienen y cuales no, una cerradura de puerta tenía mas de mil polígonos, son cosas irrelevantes para el modelo. También tenias materiales de hasta 5K, algunos eran colores planos de 2k. A pesar de estar el espacio de trabajo vacío el archivo pesa 260mb, es una locura para tener solo assets. Te recomiendo que sigas algún curso de sketchup, si hablas o entiendes inglés hay muy buenos cursos en la pagina oficial de sketchup en la sección de aprendizaje.

Can someone help me to recover this file, please?

Necesito ayuda para recuperar el siguiente archivo. Gracias. (CAMINO EL CONDOR_VIZCARRA_V3.skb - Google Drive)

Your file opened for me.

I fixed incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 9_27_2023 , 1_22_26 PM
Purged unused stuff.
Screenshot - 9_27_2023 , 1_23_04 PM
File size reduced by 42%. It’s still huge and could be cleaned up further. See if you can open this now.

It worked. Thanks for the help.
Is there a solution to this bug in new versions? because this had never happened to me with previous versions of the program (2022 or earlier), even if they were models with a lot of geometry or components. and the closest thing was some closure of the program, but not file corruption.

In the case of your file it didn’t seem to be orrupted. It is huge, though, and I can imagine your computer might have struggled with it. Depends on the CPU. It was sluggish on mine but I was able to reduce it to make it perform better. From what I’ve seen with these huge files, the main problems stem from hoarding all sorts of unused stuff along with large, high poly components and large texture files from the 3D Warehouse. Purging them helps. Using lower poly components and/or cleaning up components before you add them to your model would help. The name of the cafe table component ought to raise red flags for you.
Screenshot - 9_27_2023 , 2_10_36 PM

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you have to appreciate the honesty of the designer on that one. They put a warning sign on the file, can’t be blamed :slight_smile:

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True indeed. More component authors ought to do that.

I believe Dave is using 2023.1, and you may be using 2023.0.2. We put some things into 23.1 that can handle certain corruptions in the model better than earlier versions. We still would like to know what actions cause the corruptions.

In the meantime, you could update to the current version, and if problems happen again they should be detected and fixed.

Hola! Me sale “el archivo no parece ser un modelo de sketchup”

Alguien puede recuperarlo?

Muchas gracias!

Necesitas dar acceso libre para que se pueda descargar el archivo, ahorita pide que el due;o de acceso especifico a quien te lo pida, esta encontra de las reglas del foro compartir el email, por lo tanto debes hacerlo publico. Si no deseas hacerlo publico puedes enviar un mensaje privado a Colin.


Enlace del archivo con acceso libre:

Me lo podrías confirmar?

Muchas gracias!