Exporting to DAE and keep the meter scale of measurement

This was (or still is) an issue.

Reported (Technical Problems category) in March of 2015, thread reopened February 2016.
(Help article links posted by former forum manager no longer valid.)

Reported in May of 2016 (Technical Problems category), with not much acknowledgement of the issue …

Jim Hamilton gives an example where the 1 meter diameter sphere comes out as a 1 inch diameter sphere in DAE export. (May of 2016)

Again reported (Technical Problems category) in Nov of 2016. Two SketchUp employees in the thread. …

Again reported in January of 2017 …

I thought I was involved in a topic discussing a plugin that would correct DAE files after export, … but cannot find it now. (Might have been either a private thread or is over at SketchUcation.)