EW broken?

Jody, you people couldn’t give this less attention if you tried. Snotty replies to long standing problems doesn’t help SketchUp Team members image or that of the software.

Guz mentioned that the team were aware of the issue and were discussing a solution. I did check at the time, and there has been a bug report case for a couple of months. I don’t know the latest on it, but I do know that we tend not to give updates on any progress, until the day the fix is released.

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Inspired by…


32 weeks since this problem was signalled… THIRTYTWO WEEKS, 224 days (and counting).


32 weeks since this problem was signalled… THIRTYTWO WEEKS, 224 days (and counting).


Hi Julian, the Extension Warehouse team is aware of the problem and they aware its causing difficulties for you, other users, ourselves. Unfortunately so far it just hasn’t been the highest priority, or the most important thing to work on next. It just hasn’t made the cut. It’s not the only bug on EW, or the only broken workflow. They have other things they’re working on that so far have just had slightly higher priorities. We haven’t had a lot to say in this thread, because we don’t have an answer as to when it will be fixed. It’s on a list of needed improvements. It’s just not at the top…yet!

Sorry for the not so great news, but hopefully that helps explain why its not fixed yet and why we haven’t said when it will be fixed.


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Hi Chris, thanks for the feedback. I would have thought it would have moved up on your list of not so critical things to attend to over this time. After all, the kind of coding required here and the kind of coding for the main applications should require different resources and skills, but I might be wrong. I’m not sure how this functionality broke in the first place, whether it is the platform software used that somehow caused it, or if it was a customization of said software that went sideways. Hopefully this gets resolved sooner rather than later. :+1:

I guess… another 32 weeks yet.

Let’s pray not.

My oh my, how quickly time passes. 33 weeks and counting…


Thank you for coming to the show.

My oh my, how quickly time passes. 33 weeks and counting…


Thank you for coming to the show.


I was worried that where you are? :grinning:

Now I know what is the problem: You do not follow the User Manual : Extension-warehouse/searching-or-browsing-extensions

I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday, so only dropped by today. Maybe the SketchUp men in black (or red, red is the new black) had something to do with it.

I don’t follow what you’re saying with the second part of the comment? What the search function should do is filter the extensions, that is all extensions and not just those chosen by category, from new to old. How would you search for something if you don’t know what has been released or re-released? :wink:

I just wanted to point out, that the user guide is about the PREVIOUS version of EW. So that one is broken too.
I don’t see any chance to be repaired in this century.

Aaah, so more updating to be done for the SU Team then. Man, I sure wished I worked there, if I was this slack at my current employer (or any of my past workplaces) I would have been out in the street in no time.

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Is this still not fixed?

Nope, apparently not important enough.

I would like to formerly request removal from your mailing list. While I understand your frustration, I hope that you understand that I am in no way involved in the development or prioritization of prioritization efforts for Extension Warehouse. My getting tagged in this thread is in no way helping your cause.

Thank you!

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@Julian_Smith: I believe this was answered a few posts ago, while it might not be the answer one would hope for, flooding the forum is against the rules.


This thread was mentioned on the extensibility team earlier today. While the comments are valid, these re-occurring posts doesn’t add any information that isn’t already known. Believe me, we also want these issues fixed.