At a quick glance some of your components are actually groups, not components which could be a problem, also the Z rotation in the model is off axis. Restricting the XYZ attributes in the sub would be the standard/best approach in my opinion, but you can pass the attribute open angle down each level. Just create an attribute in the new wrapper called OpenAngle that is =parent!Open Angle, and the same in the strap. I learned recently that there is a lot more happening behind the scenes in DC’s, refer to the last bit of this post Len X is incorrect on redraw - #6 by rwamoore . Are you looking to be able to adjust all of those attributes? If so anything that changes size or position, like the strap lenX, would need a formula as well, my understanding is that if you can define it you should.offset_shade MOD.skp (879.6 KB)