Does anyone else have this problem? When I select a line, to divide it into segments, I am shown the drop-down menu OK, but the black cursor arrow is located over the number of segments and is impossible to decipher. The actual length of each segment is visible as I move the cursor along the line. Altogether very frustrating if I need a specific number of segments. Is there a solution?
If you know the number of segments, just type it after selecting Divide.
I don’t suppose this kind of detail will ever be corrected.
Despite everything, I’m also expressing my annoyance.
Have a nice day.
Honestly, 4 years later… why.
It works fine for me in SketchUp 2024.
You are a lucky man, Dave
Yes, I admit it’s a bit early.
With a little more time, it might not have mattered at all.
That makes no sense, if you have a real issue explain it properly with text, images and models, or go with vague metaphor and see what you get in response in 2028.
Fait un clic droit sur la ligne pour afficher un menu contextuel.
L’avant dernier choix est Diviser. Clique dessus.
Si tu promène ton curseur le long de la ligne tu va voir des petits carrés rouges qui figurent des Extrémités. En même temps, dans la petite fenêtre, en bas à droite, tu vas voir le mot Segments suivi d’un nombre qui varie en fonction de ton mouvement sur la ligne. NE CLIQUE PAS DANS CETTE FENÊTRE, elle est active et attends ton choix.
Tu peux cliquer sur la ligne quand tu as ce que tu veux pour valider ou appuyer sur la touche Enter.
Tu peux aussi taper le nombre de divisions que tu veux et valider avec la touche Enter.
Une autre option, si tu veux un segment de longueur connue qui ne correspond pas à une des divisions que SketchUp (SU) te propose est celle-ci:
Admettons que tu as une ligne de 10 mètres et que tu veux la diviser pour obtenir un segment de 3 m et une autre de 7 m. Aucune des propositions automatiques ne va convenir car SU divise en segments égaux.
La solution est très simple, tu trace une autre ligne de 3 m à partir d’une des extrémités et tu suis la ligne, tu laisse la souris et tu tape 3m ou simplement 3 si tes unités sont des mètres, suivi de la touche Enter pour valider.
Oh, sorry everyone.
I’m pretty familiar with the sketchup tools and I think I know a lot about how to use them.
I don’t know why this worry about seeing the value at the end of the cursor annoyed me.
I know you can read the value elsewhere.
I’m well aware that this problem is extremely unimportant.
And I can see that we spend too much time talking about it. More time than it would take a conscientious developer to change the location of this information bubble
I’m going to stop here in this exchange
I didn’t want to bore you.
Thanks again for your contributions.
I have to say, and admittedly I’m an uncouth, outback, poorly educated Australian who drinks far too much that even now I don’t understand what the issue is you are showing in your screenshot.
Yes, I neglected to mention it because it’s the subject of the original message at the top of the conversation: the value of the division number is hidden under the cursor arrow.
To me, and that doesn’t mean much, even going back and reading the original post from 4 years ago I wouldn’t have guessed that. But then as I say I drink.
Is your screen scaling set to 150% or more?
I don’t use a Mac so I don’t know how to interpret that. On the PC the largest supported is 150%.
Those bananas are not showing to scale on my phone…
Do these bananas belong to Maurizio Cattelan?
Download - SketchUp Pro 2022
I guess you mixed it up. The first one is The Scale figure, not the second as you may think…
When I was younger I ate 6 bananas every day because I loved them a whole bunch. I found them very a peel ing.