[DEPRECATED][Extension] KG-dev CADoptimus - Tag Manager - label your entities, manage your drawing. No more need for groups and layers


in favor of KG-dev - Tag Manager - Generate and assign Tags/Layers based on model data, such as classifications and dynamic attributes

Tag your entities, manage your drawing

With Tag Manager one can quickly assing multiple tags to any entity. Once a few tags have been added one can search back those entities based on 1 or more tags. This is a great alternative to a workflow where one would typically use groups and layers to manage their drawing.
Download it directly from Extension Warehouse:



  • Improved performance.


  • Changed window style to use slightly less space.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to hide your selection.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to reveal your selection.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to lock your selection.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to unlock your selection.


  • Switched to freemium model. Tagging and enjoying an optimized labeling solution is free.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to automatically tag entities based on their classification, such as IFC.
  • Added a premium “quick action” that allows you to isolate your selection (hide all entities that are not selected). This also works in an hierarchical model where the selected entities are deeply nested ones.

1.1.228: First public release.

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Interesting approach, and could be quite useful — especially on more complex models. Will be curious to try it out once you’ve released it.

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Thank you. Just a few polishments to do and i’ll be happy to have this released.

I believe I have a first version ready that is available for public testing. I decided to not upload it to the Extension Warehouse yet but only distribute it through this forum for now. This version should be fully functional and comes with a 14-day trial. But, since it is a demo version, there is also an hardcoded enddate. First, let me show you a voice-less movie showing all features:

As you can notice, apart from the obligatory things as the end user license agreement and the activation, there is some great, subtle, tagging functionality that allows you to very quickly identify elements, and select them based on 1 or multiple tags.

I could imagine this being a perfect alternative for working with layers and groups. With this extension one can keep everything top-level en still being able to distinguish for example geometry types such as walls, floors, … and different levels, building, sections, …


@JQL @jakob.winter @RickW @Aerilius

This is really cool!

How is it performance-wise on really large models?
Do you scan the whole model every time, or do you cache the instance path of every entity for each tag?

There sure is still some performance to gain. Right now it is a quick and dirty entire model scan.

If it’s fast enough, it’s good enough :slight_smile:
It’d be interesting to see an extreme use case

If you happen to have a good model for benchmarking that you are willing to share i’d be glad to see where and how i can optimize the performance.

I’m currently in paternity leave. I have not got back to work yet. I’ll try to find a good model when I have some time.

But I’m sure an architect with real projects would be better suited to provide a model? Like @JQL?

As a side note, did you consider having conversion tools? To convert layers and scenes to tags, for instance.

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Congratulations! I have had a daughter myself first of July.

Currently I have not thought of conversion tools, but that is a good idea actually. I hope to gain some user feedback and actually let them decide what is the best for this product. I see this product (and all others I have in mind for the “CADoptimus” series) in the first place as a way to learn about releasing products myself. After 9 years of extension development for other companies I would love to start with my own products.


And hooray, this one got accepted by Extension Warehouse’s reviewer as well. You can go ahead and find it at this location: Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse


Hi all. This is very interesting work and I have a cool model to test this but cannot share it. Most of my models make use of the current sketchup system and have the following organization:

1 - Model;
2 - Drawing elements;

I just need layers and scenes to keep them separated and then I use Sketchup’s grouping/component system to find my way into them easily. So I find my way in the model through a visual/point and click system not a layer/tag system.

However, if this tag system could:

  • Transfer data to Layout nicely (like tags could be used for tagging windows, doors, cabinets and other construction parts);
  • Correspond to an IFC (BIM) system and would be exported nicely to Revit and the likes;
  • Auto Tag an IFC import too.

Then I would be very interested.

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Those are some real interesting requests!

Have you downloaded the extension? It comes with a 14 day trial, but upon request I believe I can make that work a little longer, or provide you with some early adopter discount, or…

That makes perfect sense.

I could imagine having a Revit SU importer that A: works better then the one there is right now and B understand those tags. I might not have such importer ready in a week or 2, but it certainly is doable. I have made a few Revit extensions over the years.

That is on my radar! Coming soon :slight_smile:

It’s not really Revit that matters to me, but an overall IFC exporters/importer that works and doesn’t loose data. At the same time the simplicity of your tag system would be very handy to keep all organized.

I haven’t downloaded the extension and I’m almost on vacations so I’m wrapping up some stuff and couldn’t really test this. I’ll be following this thread to see how things are going forward with you.

Thanks for your work!

No problem. Currently there are also some performance issues which are in the course of being resolved.

Enjoy your vacation I would say!

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You mean something like this?

In version 1.1.235 of CADoptimus Tag Manager one can quickly assign tags based on classifications (such as IFC) and also isolate selected entities in a few clicks.
Currently being reviewed by SketchUp, but I guess it will be available for download shortly.

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Looking good.

What could be really interesting is if you could toggle visibility and lock/unlock from the Tag Manager.

I have been thinking about such functionality that lets you toggle visibility of tags. But i was wondering how it should behave when an entity has 2 tags and one is setup to be hidden and the other to be visible?

For now I have added the quick “isolate” function which allows you to isolate (show only, hide all the rest) a set of tags.

Good point. The way I envision using it would be to hide any object that shared the hidden tag (same with Lock). You could have a user preference to set the behaviour — but my view is that if I didn’t want it to work that way I wouldn’t use the tags for visibility, I would use Layers or the Outliner.

The value of the tags is that they allow you to filter ‘diagonally’ through your object set — in associative relationships — outside of the hierarchy or layer organization. To be able to do that for visibility could be really helpful, especially in large, complex models.

I know that I could substantially simplify my layers (and flatten my hierarchy) if that capability was added through tagging.

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