Deactivate a shortcut in Profile Builder 4

When I’m creating a profile path with Profile Builder 4 on my MacBook Pro, every time I try to orbit using the Trackpad, the “Get Attributes” tool from Profile Builder gets activated. It didn’t use to be like this in Profile Builder 3, and now the CMD key activates this tool.

Does anyone know if it can be disabled? To orbit without using a mouse, I use the CTRL+CMD key combination while moving my finger on the trackpad, and it’s impossible for me to draw a profile.


Hi rtches - sorry it can’t be disabled. This is a new feature in PB4 which I find extremely useful. CMD is a key that any Ruby tool should be allowed to tap into (there aren’t many options). I’m sure other SU and Ruby tools also make use of this key so they would also cause a similar problem for you if you were using those tools. Is it possible to change and get used to a different key combination for orbiting?

Thanks for the answer @Whaat . I have sent a video to Profile Builder support. I don’t know other option, maybe @colin that uses trackpad too knows another option.
The problem is that every time I try to orbit while drawing a profile the profiler member drawing get interrupted.
I attach the video too.

(edited and added)
In this case CMD abort the operation, others extensions uses CMD as a modifier but don’t abort the operation.

The same problem happens if you’re on the paint bucket tool, doing an orbit leaves you on the sample tool.

I have asked the developers if it would be possible for Command on its own to be the sample tool, and Ctrl-Command should not trigger the sample tool. Maybe Dale can do a similar check in PB4. That is, Ctrl-Command should not be seen as the shortcut key press.

On the Mac, holding + holding down left mouse button or using the trackpad, is an inbuilt Sketchup method of invoking Orbit mode and this is not something a user can change.

Also, both the key and the key are not available for any user assigned shortcut in the Mac version of Sketchup - probably for the exact reason that @rtches has found it so annoying that this key has been taken by Profile Builder 4.

Orbiting by temporarily holding down while either holding the left mouse button down (which allows using an Apple Magic Mouse), or using a trackpad on a MacBook is a fundamental part of using Sketchup on the Mac. It is not a user preference so unfortunately, it is not as simple as of getting used to using a different key.

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The same thing happens. The difference is that the interruption with Profile Builder is more annoying because you lose the continuity of the process, the one of the painting tool remembers the selection of the eyedroper when you press “B” again

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I know that with the paint bucket example it’s no big deal, but if we could do a check to make sure Ctrl isn’t pressed, then hopefully Dale could do that as well.

A similar thing happens on Windows, if you press Ctrl-Alt, you randomly get either the paint all connected mode, or the sample mode. Really you should get neither mode. Nothing uses Ctrl-Alt, so it isn’t an issue on Windows like Ctrl-Command is on Mac.

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For sure, I agree with you.

Thanks for the additional information, everyone. Very helpful. I can’t promise a fix in the near future but I’ll definitely dive into this deeper when I get the chance.

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@rtches Would it be acceptable if we did a simple check to see if any other key is being held down when the CMD key is pressed. If so, then we won’t activate the eye-dropper tool?

Yes, that would do, so long as the key detection can see if it’s the Control key that is pressed.

It would be enough. However, @colin knows much more than me and says that it would be enough too.

If you need to do any test, don’t hesitate to tell me.

Thank you for your interest.