Cannot View Forum on my iPad

Once again, I can see the progress bar as the page loads but the page is blank.

I was suggested before, I did get my iPad updated to 9.3.6 but I still have the same problem. I can see that the page is loading but it winds up with the page being blank.

As I said before, this looks exactly like what had happened once before. That time it turned out to be a problem on the Discourse side. I just tried the page again and it does exactly the same thing. Blank page……………

Is there any resolution to this situation/problem without me buying a new iPad? :frowning_face:

Had not tried for a while and now - Wala! I can view again. So happy!

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Good to know. I was starting to give up on convincing them.

Unfortunately, I am having problems viewing on my iPad again. Cannot take a screen shot but on parts of the page is showing up. I cannot see any of the posts……… :frowning_face:

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