Rather than give the gory details of the dynamic component in question that I’m working on and how to accomplish getting the specific behavior I want, I’ll start out by asking a more general question and hopefully use any answers to apply towards solving my problem.
Is there any way to create an attribute/value specifically for the last copy? The COPY number changes (dynamically of course…pun intended), as the number of copies is subject to change when the component is scaled. I need to be able to give special treatment (a ‘one-off’) to that last copy (to be specific: change it’s length). I have a way to get that length, but I don’t know how to identify the last copy parametrically. I would assume if this is possible, the attribute and value would go on the panel of the component being copied. ‘COPY’ is identified with an integer (x.0), and I’m not sure if an expression can be used as that INT. I guess I could experiment but it would seem like a ‘Hail Mary’ pass. So, I thought I’d ask here. Thanks for any info.
Weirdly enough, I thought of a solution right after I posted this so maybe I should just do an update right here and now on my possible 'solution, and perhaps get feedback on it: The solution would be largely based on the fact that what I asked above is not possible and even if it was possible could be too convoluted and end up being a major PITA. The solution I think is to tweak my ‘Copies’ attribute so that last copy isn’t created. Then to take it’s place, create a new Component. I can get it’s position and length by knowing it’s start point and end point. It would be sort of cool to not have to do this and use Copies on the original component but sometimes you don’t get what you want…