Arc offset bug (It converts to a curve)

Emphasis added. I don’t recall how the Offset tool works and am not in a position to try at the moment. Are the arcs created by Offset exactly 90 degrees?

They are when I offset a 90° arc.Same with other arc angles. Here’s a 90° arc and a 63° arc.

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OK, groovy! Thanks for taking the time to clarify. Perhaps @Wegnant can explain their observation of apparently different behavior?

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You’re quite welcome.

I wind up using Offset frquently in the mechanical objects I model and leverage the arcs from arcs thing all the time.

wow…i really need to understand better whats going on. DaveR your absolutely right. I really had to search hard for the Issue.

Here is what happens.

I Offset the Arc (Bogen) and it creates a curve (Kurve) not an Arc… The segment closest to the corner falls short. :man_shrugging:

What are you doing differently than I showed? Clearly I am getting new arcs, not curves when I offset from an arc.

@Wegnant can you try doing what @DaveR did and offset just a stand alone arc, with no underlying geometry? I am wondering if offsetting an arc to a place where it intersects existing geometry causes it to become a curve.

I seem to remember that this was once an issue, but trying in the current version I got the same results as Dave. Was this corrected in v. 2023? @Wegnant seems to be using 2022.

I only showed the stand alone arcs for offset because I didn’t have a model in progress but I get the same results even if there’s other geometry. As I wrote, I leverage this frequently in my modeling process.

With newly drawn arcs i will get arcs too. Using SU 23.
Maybe i messed up the existing geometry. It was created by “follow me” along the path. This is the connection from arc to straight line, and then isolated afterwards. But still…shouldnt “follow me” put the outer segment on its correct place?

sorry…thats been confusing. one more try…

If the profile isn’t perpendicular to the first segment of the path, Follow Me will project (not rotate) the profile to perpendicular to the first segment. Not only does that change the profile’s dimensions but it can also change the length of the first segment of the path depending on where the path is located relative to the profile.

It’s also possible that the path edges become exploded during Follow Me. If you select all of the edges and weld them you may not get an arc since it depends on the segments you select.

Actually, here’s what I get when I start with an arc and an edge segment as the path. The edges of the extrusion get welded for me but become a curve which would be expected when welding an edge segments and an arc.

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I did find a curious thing with this Follow Me and arc thing. I’ll make a video to show it.

oh no…its getting even worse.
here a short video. with some undos.
is this a bug now? :face_in_clouds:

I wrote this years ago…


That’s not a bug. It’s the way Follow Me works. As I wrote, when the profile is not perpendicular to the first segment of the path Follow Me projects the profile to perpendicular. What you show is what is supposed to happen. If you compare the dimensions of your rectanglular profile before and after Follow Me you will see that the horizontal dimension is not the same.

Here’s the video I made.

Here’s an example of Follow Me with just an arc on the left. Follow Me has done what it is supposed to do. On the left it projected the profile so it’s perpendicular to the first segment of the arc and it has ended perpendicular to the last segment. In the center I’ve drawn a circle which I then rotated so edge segments are perpendicular to the axes. in the background I cut out a quarter of the circle to use as the path. Since the first segment is perpendicular to the profile the extrusion starts and ends square to the axes.

Thanks so much DaveR. The Video is quite enlightening.
I wish it would just respect the center point over the projecting method. This way its quite hard to get valid measurements and lots of inaccuracies. But there must be other reasons. right? :person_raising_hand:

The rule of the profile being perpendicular to the first segment in the path and the extrusion ending perpendicular to the last segment in the path makes Follow Me predictable. Of course when you don’t follow the rule you get undesirable effects.

The thing I showed using the rotated circle makes it easy to follow the rule when setting up the path and profile.


@Wegnant, that’s rhe most important thing you need to remember when using ‘Follow Me’. It’s not a bug.
These discussions about ‘Follow Me’ and arcs are historical.
You can always add a perpendicular “dummy” extra segment, connected to the arc as shown above.

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