Please, somebody tell me I’m doing something wrong.
The problem in Summary:
When I add a texture whose base color has previously been modified to my own user specified materials list, shutting down and re-opening SketchUp will cause the texture to revert back to the original base color of the texture image file. That is, the color modification is lost.
The Long version:
Let’s say ‘Material_01’ is a seamless ‘egg shell’ style texture that I have brought into SketchUp via the usual means. I have been using this material for years by simply ‘eye dropping’ it from old model to new model. Clunky but effective, I know.
At some point I must have edited the base colour of this material via the method in @TheOnlyAaron ’s skill builder video. That is, ‘Material_01’ is several shades darker than the original imported JPG texture image.
As per @DaveR ’s instructions in this thread, I was investigating creating my own user list of materials so I could collate all my frequently used materials into my own list in the materials browser. The idea being that this is far more elegant than ‘eye dropping’ a material from old model to new model.
A summary for those who don’t want to skim the thread;
Select ‘new…’ From the ‘list’ drop down menu in the materials browser.
specify a name for the new materials list. I called mine ‘my textures’ (the default).
select the ‘in model’ materials from the list in the materials browser.
drag ‘Material_01’ to the ‘pallet’ at the bottom of the materials browser.
select the freshly created ‘my textures’ from the list In the materials browser.
drag ‘Material_01’ from the pallet into ‘my textures’ list.
‘Material_01’ is now living in the ‘my textures’ list. Hooray!
It exists there with the modified shade I spoke of earlier so long as I don’t shut down SketchUp and then re-open the program. Once I re-open S.U, ‘Material_01’ can still be found in ‘my textures’ but its color has reverted to that of the unmodified original texture image. Needless to say, I cannot work with this!
Can anyone else replicate this on their Mac system? I would like to know If I can expect this to work as it should with out using an external image editor.
I have posted on this topic before with gif’s, but can’t find atm…
there is a bug reading the skm file as the modified materials thumbnail and the colourisation text changes both get updated, but SU ignores them when reopened…
I went down the path of using Photoshop to edit the base colors of my S.U. textures. I would do this and then import the edited image into S.U. as a new texture, adding it to my custom list. However, I have found, for instance, that a 15% black adjustment of a given texture image in Photoshop using the brightness slider gives a very different result to a 15% black adjustment using the brightness slider in the materials editor in SU. I’m sure this can be put down to my intermediate competency in Photoshop (I last used Photoshop at University in 1998!), but I find it hard to approximate the texture colors I produced in S.U.
So, I have resorted, simply, to taking screen shots of my color edited textures straight from SketchUp, pasting the image into Photoshop, cropping and saving as a new image file. I then import this new file into SketchUp as a texture in the materials browser. So far I have no visible resolution issues that I can see.
This dirty work around is rubbing me up the wrong way. I cannot believe there exists a bug essentially preventing a Mac user from making a custom texture library of his/her own SketchUp modified materials.
I just thought I would broadcast here that this issue remains unchanged in SketchUp 2020.0.
Yeppppppp. (insert sigh here) I’m still eye dropping textures (colour sampling) between models.
BTW, here is the list of items (materials related) that were fixed in S.U. 2020…
(Mac) Fixed an issue where adding transparent material with the Paint Tool duplicated material.
(Mac) Fixed an issue where painting with a duplicated material incorrectly applied the original material.
(Mac) Fixed an issue where Materials → Selecting a color did not set the material as active.
(Mac) Fixed an issue where copy/paste duplicated materials.
I hadn’t noticed this topic last year, but saw the update today. So I tried some things…
One idea I tried, as a work around, was to make the texture unique before taking it to my materials. Doing a make unique texture of something that has been tinted, also reverts the texture to the non-tinted version.
It may be a different issue, but could be related. That also fails on Windows, so maybe it’s intentional. The custom materials saving does work on Windows.
I’ll talk to the developer who did the 2020 fixes on Monday, see what he (or she, I’m not sure who did the work!) thinks about the problems.
That would be very much appreciated, Colin. At the very least, it will end up on the radar of the dev. team. At best, it might be a relatively simple fix! Let me know. Many thanks.
I just updated to 2020 on a Windows 10 PC and am having the same issue. If I apply my custom materials to faces in 2020 & 2019 and import the set of faces(in a group) from 2019 into 2020, they display correctly, but the materials are made unique. If I use the eye dropper tool and compare the materials of both versions using HSL, the values match for both versions but the materials do not match. Also the sliders have an odd effect on the material. If the slider for the Lightness is moved up or down one value, the color jumps from the original color of the texture image to a rose color and gets lighter or darker as it should. Any ideas
I’ve found after selecting ‘edit’ for a particular material and then clicking on the sliders icon, (I’m on Mac) the sliders are often set to the values of a previously edited material. It’s like the sliders don’t refresh every time a new material is edited. When I increment the slider (like you have done), only then do the set of sliders immediately acquire the current material’s values. This non-refreshing situation also applies to the hex value field, that is the hex value of a previously edited material is displayed.
I suspect that your abrupt jump to the rose shade is a PC version of the Mac issue.What ever it is, its sounds buggy and difficult to work with. Grrrrr, Humph.
There is also a weird behavior in the previous versions of Sketchup where when I edit a texture in Photoshop, then save and return to Sketchup, the slider adjustments are ignored until I adjust one and then it returns to normal behavior. I suspect these different issues may be connected. Thanks for the input!
I showed the two issues to the developer who did the 2020. fixes, and he agreed that the behavior wasn’t expected. But, for the make unique texture problem I will need to check with the product manager, because that may be intentional behavior. Make unique is useful for keeping any position or scaling changes you’ve made, it doesn’t seem to flatten the image to a new bitmap.
The losing the tinting in your saved materials is Mac specific, so that seems wrong. I’m going to check if there is already a bug report about that, and if there isn’t I will make one.