3D Warehouse - Filters

Its a basic comment, but related to my line of research, I think an important feature that has been removed from the 3D warehouse ecosystem is this very millennial idea of being able to search and find models regarding: most downloads, most likes, most saves etc… I think something important about the 3D warehouse is its democratic approach where everyone can share material. I think the 3D warehouse should also, at some level, work as a social media platform. It does this in a way, but some features have been re done for it to be more professional, which is great, but there is a social, popular, fun aspect of the 3D warehouse that should also be exploited. My whole line of research deals with popular culture in digital mediums, and the 3D warehouse is my most important case study. I would love to engage with people inside of the company to elaborate on this idea.

it’s still there.
in order, in english, you can sort by relevance, popularity (downloads), likes, author’s name, title…

do you see this logo top left ?
Capture d’écran 2024-10-23 à 20.32.35

if so, you’re in the AI powered beta version and it doesn’t have all the things the normal version has.
click on your profile, top right, and exit labs.

You are totally right! I completely missed it by just focusing on the filters tab. Kind of dumb from my part on not checking more carefully. Thank very mucho for the time replying to this message!

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I am unable to open 3D warehouse anymore.

Please provide more information or start a new post if it’s not related to ‘Filters’ - which is what this topic is about.