2024 update won't save as older versions?

I would like to clarify a few things:

  1. The option to save to an older version is not completely removed (yet?).
    The Ruby API still allows you to save to any earlier version .skp file. In theory, the Extensions/Plugins that are designed for this can work. However, I have not personally checked them yet.

  2. If the Extensions/Plugins mentioned above do not work, I can write one if you wish!

  3. Added to @dan_s comment:
    In this context, version-less means that you can actually open older and newer files back and forth if the program and/or file versions are 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
    However the file versions are still different. You will get a warning about it if you open newer or older file version in a particular other version of SketchUp program.

  4. This piece of code snippet, for example, saves the current model into SketchUp Version 2017 file format (makes a copy), next to the existing model and adds a ‘-v2017’ to the end of the file name.
    So if you have a model named model.skp, the 2017 copy will be named model_v2017.skp.
    Note: Model must be saved “normally” before using this snippet.
    Usage:. Open a Ruby Console (Menu: Extensions>Developer>Ruby Console) and copy and paste the snippet below into it, than hit Enter.

m = Sketchup.active_model
m.save_copy(m.path.delete_suffix('.skp')<<"_v2017.skp", Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2017)
  1. This code snippet is similar as above but to save a copy into SketchUp Version 8 and save a copy into SketchUp Version 2015 file: (for @push18 :wink: )
m = Sketchup.active_model
m.save_copy(m.path.delete_suffix('.skp')<<"_v8.skp", Sketchup::Model::VERSION_8)
m = Sketchup.active_model
m.save_copy(m.path.delete_suffix('.skp')<<"_v2015.skp", Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2015)