When did Layout become a dumpster fire of stability issues?

It seems like Layout is the red-headed, black sheep stepchild of the Trimble offerings. It seems to get more unstable in every update. Plus it seems to lose features. I think the “render” options are an admission by Trimble that the app can’t update on its own.

Remember when you could select multiple instances of a drawing on a page and change the tags on all of them at once? This kept all your models the same easily. Now, you have to do each individually.

Obviously, Layout has always been trash as a text editor…

But now, anytime I change a style, an output, or any change in Layout, it hangs up. Layout used to be THE reason to still use SketchUp. You could easily make documents from models. Now, it is the bottleneck in my workflow.

Is it just me, or is everyone experiencing this? Is there a magical fix? Will Trimble ever empower Layout to be a great program? Can they at least make it stable? Or, is it time to move on to a ground-up parametric modeling software…

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When did Layout become a dumpster fire of stability issues?

pretty sure it was a Tuesday. :upside_down_face:

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Not my experience Garzonetto – and I rely on Layout for putting food on the table for my family.

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Like Paul I haven’t had any issues. I’ve seen a lot of poorly made LayOut files from others but my own files don’t give me any problems.

Agree with Dave and Paul.

ditto. generally no problems overall. although, the text editing still sucks, but if you do your editing in a word processor program (spell, grammar, bold, italics, underline etc etc), use a spreadhsheet for tables, and copy and paste it ,or import, into the document, things are much faster and happier :slight_smile:

I agree with you. There are multiple issues that pile up and make the app unreliable to use. Then to overcome the performance problems, there was certainly the rewriting of the management of the graphic display, but also compromises with losses of ergonomics for the user, such as no longer seeing what we move, an update of references which is no longer automatic…etc…