Using SketchUp on surface pro, with the pen no keyboard


I currently use and iPad and apple pencil to do house 3d floorplan models on my iPad and it works well

I am thinking about upgrading to a surface pro , using a full version of SketchUp on the go would be great.

my question is how does the pen work on SketchUp on the surface pro, can I orbit and pan with my other hand if I use the pen? I won’t have a keyboard with me. so pen only use.

any help is much appreciated


The desktop version of SU does not really support stylus. They recommended to have a 3 button scroll wheel mouse and keyboard. However some user reporting a good success using stylus and some 3rd parties floating keyboards.

You can check the forum, for example with this search terms:
Search results for ‘surface pro’ - SketchUp Community

Personally, I had a Surface Pro (I think 4th generation) and I wasn’t really satisfied with the performance (especially the integrated graphics card), the touch screen support of SU. I did not have a stylus, so I cant comment on it. But I have had a keyboard cover always attached and a separated mouse. It was generally good for smaller models and I liked how light and portable it was…

An other thing that you may need to take into consideration that the latest version of Surface Pros have a non Intel (x86) processor architecture: ARM based Snapdragon X, that perhaps will have a compatibility issues.
So far, I haven’t read any experience, how the Sketchup runs on emulated environment of ARM based Windows… I have also not heard that there is a native “Windows ARM” Sketchup version coming or not…
… so perhaps you need to use Intel based computer (with Windows) for a time bering (??)…

I used a surface pro 3 for a portable/ jobsite. It ran Sketchup fine a few versions ago.(its very old) Ive considered updating to a 9. The Surface keyboard takes up no room so I would plan on having one. The pen isnt near what a mouse is for productivity. You can orbit but without a keyboard you would be very limited for common use like the move tool that need keyboard modifiers. The touch pad in the keyboard is somewhere in between. You might get good with the pen and hotkeys on the key board but having a mouse in my brief case was really no big deal. If you want to run SU 24 you would need at least 16gb of ram and I would recommend 32. The newest ones are changing the CPU but the 9 has an i7 available.

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