Using SketchUp for framing plans/layout on site

That sounds like a bit of a nightmare. At least they could set you up a large touch screen monitor.

Anyway, with that said… Check out a new Extension called 5D+ Auto VBO
The 5D+ group have a bunch of great extensions you will find useful for what you doing.

It allows for multi tagging entities. ie interior/walls. I recommend… As a carpenter, is getting a copy of the model and grouping as you need for faster onsite.

5d+ AUTO INFO <---------------------

Check out this video from the 5D+ team. Its a free extension,

Think this will help you!!!

I cringe at electronics on a job site. Too many random things can happen and then the display is cracked. Every good piece of information from the model can be reduced to a two dimension component with a dimension on it and then laminated on 11 x 17 paper.

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Also here is a thread on using OpenCutlist. Automatic dimensions

There is a simple extension Dimension Linear BoundingBox that will auto dim groups and comps via their bounding box.