Using Sketchup for complete construction documents

1205 water view-09132019.pdf (6.3 MB)

Not done yet but here is 13 sheets coming out of 2 SketchUp Files and 2 Layout Files. It’s not Perfect but it’s getting better.


thanks for sharing

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These drawings for a locomotive shed addition were done with Sketchup, Layout, and Skalp. Enjoy!
Also I have only been in the design industry for two years, so any critiques or advice is welcome!
DAS train shed addition JB 9-6-19.pdf (6.0 MB)


We’ve used SketchUp as a BIM tool since about 2005. We have always had to export DWG and bring it into a CAD program to do cleanup (we use PowerCADD on a Mac), since SketchUp could not do line weights or dashed lines, and once we brought it to CAD, the text was always messed up, too (wrong size, off-center, etc.).
We invented FlatText and DPLineStyler to deal with the latter two problems, but we still have to use PowerCADD to get the correct line weights for PDF output.
We’ve tried Layout, but found that it does not do everything we need. If it had a way to automatically assign line weights (and line cap & joint styles) based on color, we might give it another try.

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Dpc --What do the DPLineStyler dashed lines become in PowerCADD. Groups?

Cannot export groups out of SketchUp to 2D DWG, so no - just lines.
I translate to PCAD through 2D DWG, and SketchUp’s translator is pretty basic - just lines.
The way I typically would set up, say, a HVAC plan sheet in PCAD, there will be these layers:

  • FlrXX HVAC - sheet-specific info, notations, etc. created in PCAD.
  • FlrXX HVAC SKP - the linework exported (via DWG) from a SketchUp scene and “prettied up” in PCAD (set line thicknesses, adjust colors, etc.)
  • FlrXX Plan - The architect’s background, typically imported from their DWG file and cleaned up.
  • Grid - The structural grid, also imported from the Architect’s CAD. Other things common to all plans may also be put here.
  • Tblock - The title block (and things common to all sheets in the drawing set).
    I would love to do all this in Layout, but it’s just not quite there yet - might never be at the price they’re (not) charging for it! :wink:
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When I work on Construction documents, I uses SU ConDoc Tools very much helpful. This is paid but really a great resource by Mike.


Hello. I wonder if it would be possible to have a demonstration on how layout works and how collaboration is possible through sketchup. We are thingking on changing completely from Autodesk software and wonder if it is worth it.

There are some demonstrative videos on YouTube already.

From the channel, we have a few tutorial playlists …


Construction Documents with SketchUp and LayOut


Re, collaboration, since this topic was started Trimble Connect has been created.

Here in the forums, there is a specific category for discussing Trimble Connect use with SketchUp:

SketchUp comes with an extension that “links” to a Trimble Connect account. The website:

Check out some of Mike Brightman’s videos…

You don’t have to buy his plugin just look at how you could incorporate his ideas into your own workflow.


Thanks for raising this topic. I’ve been creating construction documents for my own projects using SU even before LayOut came out. When LayOut came along it was awesome, but section cuts weren’t really ready for prime time. I wrote a book in 2013 that detailed a workaround to get SU to deliver construction documents. In 2019 SU finally provided a professional solution for section cuts and I released a book called Construction Documents Using SketchUp Pro 2020 which is popular, though this is a limited market- SU doesn’t take this really important topic nearly as seriously as they should. In my view it’s fundamental and should be the main driving force behind expanding SU sales- Along with taking training seriously.

Anyway, having said all that, here is my book Construction Documents Using SketchUp Pro Updated which incorporates all of the new developments in SU since 2020.

“This course is a detailed step-by-step guide to building a house model from scratch and creating finished construction documents. This super easy-to-follow course contains tips and tricks to export fully finished Plan/Sections/Elevations and Details. A must have for any professional user of Sketchup Pro.”
Updated Links to Book

US Paperback

US Hardcover

US Kindle


I’m amazed by how layout as Produced this.

Very neat - I guess you just have to know your way around it.