I am trying to upload my models to 3D Warehouse, but cannot find a button/command/screen or anything that gives me this option. Are we unable to upload models to 3D Warehouse in SketchUp for Schools?
No. The screen looks exactly the same except no 3D Warehouse item.
In the help page it is written that there would be that link Getting Started with SketchUp for Schools | SketchUp Help
… but a few lines below it says it looks like this image:
You can download the SKP model directly or from GDrive and, from an internet browser, you can go to https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com, login and upload your model.
Thanks. I had also seen the description of where the 3D Warehouse button was supposed to be. Your suggestion for the workaround will work - it’s just a shame that the “convenient option” isn’t available to my students.