There's a way to change thickness of a piece on OpenCutList?

Working with mdf parts and sheets using Opencutlist, some times a piece is imported with “~” simbol (aproximated thichness). Inside opencutlist there is option to quick chage dimensions (height and width). There’s a way to quick change thickness of a piece (or a set) on Opencutlist?

The tilde (~) indicates you’ve not modeled the components as accurately as you should have. I would suggest going into the model and fixing the object so you don’t get the ~ with the dimension. Also inspect the model to ensure that imprecision in that part hasn’t carried through in the rest of the model.

BTW, what version of SketchUp are you using? There is no 2023 Free Plan like you put in your forum profile.

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Yes, I understand this point of precision in the part, but I’m looking for a way to quickly change the thickness using an opencutlist tool, like the option to quickly change the height and width. My projects always have many parts and manually changing thicknesses one by one is difficult…
Thanks for pointing out the sketchup version issue, it’s true, I clicked on something wrong, I’ll correct that…

So you don’t want to fix the model, you just want to ignore the ~ in the cut list?

No, OpenCutList is mainly a reader. It doesn’t touch the part geometry.

In general what you need could be as dangerous as complex to implement. OCL, like other cut list program extract part size from their bounding box. And even if the bounding box is always a perfect box, the true part geometry can be a cube as a cloud of points without a real “thickness”.
It dangerous, because changing the size of the bounding box will produce the same deformation as a scale and it’s complex, because solving the thickness problem without creating a other geometric problem is quit impossible.

For accuracy reasons OpenCutList uses internally .000 minimal precision to compute part size. So yes even if you change the SketchUp precision to 0, the ~ won’t disappear.
I understand your discomfort in editing all the poorly drawn parts one by one, but ignoring this lack of precision would inevitably cause problems in the advanced features of OpenCutList or SketchUp in general.

Requiring the user to have a precise drawing is the best way to solve everything.

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I take some times cabinets from external source, and 90% of the parts has correct thickness, but 10% has 15,3mm instead 15mm for example and i need to correct one by one. But i got it. Thank you Boris.

one option is to set up another material entry in OCL for the 15,3mm thickness.

But i need optimize all parts on cutting plan of mdf sheet, set up another material will not work for nesting.

Sounds to me as if your best solution is to fix the model so it isn’t sloppy.

It is many different models of cabinets, many times custom. It’s basically impossible pre fix them. Anyways, there’s any plugin that show the 3 dimensions of a component and a option to choose one to change (setting the measure)? It would work for me…

But if you change the thickness of cabinet sides, you have to update length all other connected parts. I’m not sur that it could be easily automated.

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Based on that I think your modeling workflow needs a revision. There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t have precisely dimensioned objects in your model. You should not need to be searching for non-existent extensions to magically fix your models.

Use the cutlist to identify those components that need to be repaired and Outliner to quickly find them so you can edit them and correct the dimensions.

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