The old transparency issue

Sorry, not blaming you - thanks for clarifying how anyway. How would I do that if I really could be bothered?

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I wasn’t saying that your example has the edge occupying the same space as the face, I was saying that the work around for the case where they are occupying the same space, has the side effect of bringing the edges slightly behind the face to appear in front of the face.

The example file I gave is a 2017 file, and the same issue happens in that version as well.

That GPU is about a decade old. As I wrote 15 hours ago, the graphics card you list in your profile hasn’t been supported or received driver updates for years. Your hardware hasn’t kept up with changes in the software. I’ve been using SketchUp since early 2003. This Z-fighting thing is less of an issue now with SU 2022 than it’s ever been because SketchUp can utilize improvements in the newer OpenGL releases.

@adammacer understand it can be frustrating when you run into issues, but you need to check your attitude. You are snapping at the very people who are taking time out of their day (or evening) to try to address your problems. These are people who are showing up and doing what they can put of the kindness of their heart. Please treat them with respect.


Apologies - Yes, I’m frustrated… and part of that is my not understanding all of the issues contributing to this. I think I do now. Thank you to all who have contributed.

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@adammacer, sorry about the word bl#dy* in my post. (I was getting frustrated about your complaints towards helpful members of the forum.) A model would have helped others to faster narrow down the issue you are seeing instead of leaving them guessing. Better than a screenshot plus a lot of text. There may be better ways to set up the model, who knows.

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The horizontal edges look like where two objects come together (perhaps because you drew the wall in one group and the eaves/triangular portion separately?

If so, open up the edges that are showing and use Shift+eraser to hide those edges on both groups/components where they touch.