SU as LO replacement - a mockup

Yes, I would like bulk export of scenes too! And better capabilities

I’ve experimented a bit with doing more drawing tasks inside SketchUp and less in Layout. For one, SketchUp for Schools being a web version doesn’t have Layout at all, but when I taught with it a few years ago, I came up with a way to produce a classic three view drawing entirely within the app and posted about it here:

So, then I played with that same idea in SketchUp Pro. The reverse of drawing to scale, I scaled up my paper and standard title block for a 1/4" scale drawing (1:50 being closest in metric), made a component of the building, (which I do anyway for insertion into a separate site model) and placed four instances of it for each elevation:

This actually has synergy with my method for casting 45° shadows on elevations (posted here) so all the elevations get 45° shadows on them regardless of geolocation.

in 3D this is what it looks like:

Each instance is set back in a way that won’t cast shadows on the others, but you don’t see that in orthographic view. It works very much like Layout, except instead of saving the file and updating the link, you save the (house) component and reload it in the other file and all the views are updated. It was an interesting experiment and proof of concept, but I didn’t end up making it my standard workflow.