Starting from new- use tutorials or find a class?

Is it just me or is getting started in sketchup seem overly difficult? I’m working my way through the tutorials, but a lot of the screen shots they use don’t match what I’m looking at in the web version. Sketchup keeps saying “it’s a lot like your desk top” version… I’ve never had the desktop version so I wouldn’t know.

Can anyone suggest a class they used for sketchup online for a complete newbie who has never used any type of cad or sketchup type programs?

It’s true that it has become more difficult now that we have so many different versions of Sketchup. They do all work in the same basic way but the interface can be different.

I started with SU in the very early @Last days but only used it as a bit of toy. At that point, I was self-taught and one of the USPs of SU was that it was so easy to get started without knowing much at all.

When I decided to start using it seriously, about 6 years ago, I bought a book The Sketchup Workflow for Architecture by Michael Brightman, which is excellent. However, it is firmly directed at building deisgners and is based on SU Pro.

Others know more than I do about the online version but it might help if you told us what you want to use the software for and what your background is. Any previous experience with CAD, for example.