Sketchup Studio Revit Importer - texture scale issue

Hi. I’m having problems with the sketchup importer extension for Revit. Using Sketchup Studio 2024 to import a Revit LT 2024 file, replace materials and then render in Vray 6. Materials are replaced with the ThomThom extension - Material Replacer.

The Sketchup Revit importer creates the Revit materials as 25x25mm textures and then scales them up to the correct size. This means I cannot replace the materials with my pre-created sketchup/vray material library as all the texture scale incorrectly and have to be reset individually.

My current workaround is exploding all the revit imported geometry components and paint all matching materials but this is not the streamlined process that Sketchup promised.

Any help is appreciated. Either a fix for the importer or a way to efficiently reset the material scales.

I’m sure someone else knows. But I’ve got a feeling that revit doesn’t do a very good job of UV mapping, which is what’s used to define the scale of a material on a surface.
This causes lots of issues in various pieces of software when working with revit files, so it may not be easily solved.

Are you seeing different texture scales in the model?

If you are using v-ray you could try right clicking an object , using the v-ray UV tools and doing a world fit box map.

Thanks Elmtect-Adam.
Your right click of component and Vray UV - Triplanar Projection (world) has worked to reset the Texture UV mapping and made the textures usable/replaceable. I did this to the entire imported model component and it stripped the scaling out so I could replace the materials with my Vray material library.

Yes Revit doesn’t seem to do UV mapping well. I thought the importer is supposed to import the Revit hatch pattern instead of the materials, but doesn’t seem to be the case.

The importer universally creates all Revit textures as 25mm squares and then scales their mapping up.

I had some success if I removed texture images from within Revit but that’s not a good workflow for the Revit Model.

The Revit Importer does not set the scale. It sets the UVs based on what it reads in the Revit file.
It is also possible (even if not convenient in your case) to reset the UVs with Texture → Reset Position


So perhaps not so good Uv coordinates in the revit model which has caused this then?

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