Sketchup loading very slowly

Missing the entire 2nd and 3rd floor.
I did the standard cleanup 3 cleaning, but it took hours so I cancelled it and saved the file when it asked too. Now I’m missing like, a lot :frowning:

Go into the LayOut file. In File>Document Setup>References, highlight the Sketchup file. Then click on Unlink. Then right click on one of the viewports linked to the Sketchup model and choose Open with SketchUp. Compare that copy of the model to your “cleaned” copy. does it still have the stuff you are missing from the original?

2nd and 3rd floor are still missing in the SU file.
Can I find previous saved SU files somewere? :crossed_fingers:

So here are some things I see in your LayOut file and the SketchUp file embedded in the LayOut file.

As I wrote before, my first stop was References. There’s a very long list of references. Notice the gray rectangle at the top of the scrollbar on the right.

After purging the file the gray rectangle is about three times as long. There’s still a lot of references but not nearly as many as before.

The embedded Sketchup file I looked at shows a little incorrect tag usage–we talked about that before.
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 8_21_43 AM
Quite a lot of unused stuff to purge, as well.
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 8_22_53 AM
After the purge the file size dropped from 171,691 Kb to 104,833 Kb, a reduction of 38.9%. This will reduce the LO file size, too. I haven’t looked at the other three SketchUp files used in your LayOut project but I’d expect similar results with them.

After purging that one .skp file and the LAyOut file, the LayOut file size was reduced by 48%. If the other three Sketchup files are purged and there are similar file size reductions, you would see more reduction in the LayOut file.

Another thing I see is that you have insert a large number of images. I picked one at random to examine. On the page the image is 1.3 inches (33mm) wide. The original image is a little more than twice that size.

By itself that not a big deal but when you have so many images, that adds up.

Here’s an example I made using two copies of the same image. The bottom one is the original size out of the camera and the top one was reduced to a size appropriate for the size on the page. If you were to print this PDF at 300 dpi you’d see no benefit to the larger image. The small image is 1% of the file size of the larger one.
Image comparison.pdf (375.1 KB)

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They are missing in the embedded copy of the file from LayOut?

At this point it would be a longshot but you could look at the .skb backup copy of the file which should be in the same directory as the .skp file.

I wonder what parameters you had set for CleanUp3 that would make it delete the second and third cloors of your model. Did you try turning on all of the tags?

When I turn on all of the tags and show the hidden stuff, I see this in your model from LayOut.

I would strongly urge you to use tags to control the visibility of the walls and roof instead of using Hide. It’s easier to control the visibilty of the objects and you can control that visibilty in LayOut.

Looking at the other .skp files in this LayOut file.

MVD_Gameroom - Geldrop:

Tag fix
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 8_55_34 AM
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 8_56_16 AM
File size reduction: 64%.

MVD_Kantoorpand Eindhoven:

Tag fix
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 9_00_55 AM
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 9_01_24 AM
File size reduction: 23%.

MVD_woonhuis Eindhoven:

Tag fix
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 9_04_18 AM

Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 9_04_46 AM

File size reduction: 50%.

I did not go through the textures in these files but likely there are some that could tolerate being reduced.

Another thing I notice in your LayOut file is a number of viewports that have the Camera properties modified. We talked about this before. Modifying the camera properties can cause you problems later on beause it breaks part of the link between the SketchUp scene and the viewport. I also see a lot of locked viewports. Locking is fine for preventing the viewports from getting moved but you have to unlock them to get them to update when the Sketchup model gets edited. I think it’s better to put the viewports on their own layer separate from the dimensions, labels, other text, and images. Then lock the layer if you want. The locked layer won’t prevent the viewports from being updated.

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Found both floors back, not sure what happened but glad they are complete again (almost had a heart attack over here :sweat_smile:)

May I ask, how many times do you purge/check tag geometry/resize materials. Everytime you save your file or what would you suggest?

And yes, I use a lot of images in the end presentation for my client. Good you showed me the example. To be hounest, I just copy/paste them from the internet without checking their size. What do you use to resize them, is this something in Layout or do you check every single image externally up front?

I use Outliner and Tags as much as possible for hiding things in SU.
Thanks again for your very quick respond.

After your tips, SketchUp again is very slow. Will re-start my system now, hope that helps.

Not sure why this file is in LayOut, since it has nothing to do with the actual project i’m working on. Thats really weird!

About the viewports in LO, sometimes it does not show the scene that I created in SU. Even though that’s the one I selected in Layout, in then just shows something else or another angle. If I change the angle, I still don’t see the scene that I’ve created up front. Are you familiar with this?

Good deal.

In my own files I purge fairly regularly after making sure I don’t actually need any of the components in the model. Some of the extensions I use create additional component definitions that wind up in Model but aren’t used in the model space so purging is important. I don’t need to check my own models for correct tag usage because I’ve very careful with my own modeling. I expect at least some of the tagged geometry in your models comes with components from the 3D Warehouse. I create all of my own components even for things I could find in the Warehouse. I prefer mine. As for resizing materials I don’t have to do that very often because I make sure the images aren’t too large before I use them to create the materials in the first place. Again, I expect you are getting some of your large textures with components from the 3D Warehouse.

It seems to me that many of the components folks like you might choose to use are created by users who aren’t thinking of them as small parts of a much larger story. They are modeling these things as if they are the only thing in the model. Here’s a small example. The cord from the keyboard to the back of the iMac has 5767 entities. The majority of them are in a tangle behind the display where they can’t be seen. That adds to your file size without adding anything to your “story”. Probably the cord could be removed entirely from the model and no one would notice.

I was going to mention the copying and pasting thing. I would strongly suggest that instead of copying and pasting, you download the images into a folder on your computer. Then use File>Insert to add them into the LayOut project. That way, if the internal reference somehow becomes corrupt, you still have the original reference file to fall back on and you don’t have to go ut to the internet to hunt for the image again.

I use a free image editor called PaintDotNet but you can use your favorite image editor. I would normally resize them before inserting them but if I don’t know how big the image will be until I get it into LayOut, it’s easy enough to edit the image and update the reference. If you go into LayOut’s Preferences you can set your image editor as the default. Then you can right click on an image and choose Open with… Make the edit and save to update it. Much like working with SketchUp files in LayOut.

Hide in SketchUp can’t be controlled in LO but tag visibility can be.

Which one? The four that I went through were all left in the LayOut file after purging LayOut. That would indicate there’s at least one viewport in the document that uses that file.

This comes from modifying the Camera properties for the viewport in LayOut. That modification overrides the camera properties (position, angle of view, etc) that you set in SketchUp. And if you copy a viewport that has modified camera properties and change the scene, the camera won’t change because you’ve already told LayOut you want to use your modified Camera properties. Clicking Reset will go back to the scene’s Camera properties. As i’ve mentioned to you before, it’s best not to modify the Camera properties. Avoid getting the Reset button in the Camera section of the SketchUp Model panel.

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By the way, here’s another couple of things to look out for. I’m just using the same model as before. The books up in the corner on the shelf: There’s unneeded levels of nesting which you can see in Outliner.
Screenshot - 2_7_2023 , 10_26_16 AM

Getting rid of the unneeded levels will help to reduce file size and make the model easier to deal with.

Here I’ve pulled out one of the books. Both the front and back covers have a material which is a waste since that can’t be seen.

The texture image for the book. Does the barcode actually add anything?

Sometimes you just have to take a surgical approach to cleaning up objects before you add them to your projects.


Thanks @DaveR for you help and time and many usefulls tips. I have really become so much wiser because of all your responses to this topic.

I will continue to work with it, and hope to be able to work a bit faster with cleaner files.
In addition, I will also pay more attention to elements from the 3D warehouse. I now import everything without checking how big it is, not smart at all of course.

If I get more experience in the program, I might also be able to make everything myself. But I have to have a bit more patience for that haha.

Thanks again and have a nice evening!

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