SketchUp in 2019: where great ideas get to work

There’s tons, and tons, and tons, and tons… and tons of suggestions on your forum, in Layout Feature Requests.

Here’s a few I can thing of:
-Dynamic component (with field attributes). This will allowed me to creating bullets, marker and elevation marker with a dynamic attribut. Coordinate in most case. This is a must when I create Rigging plot/point map.
-Multiple unit dimensioning.
-Component allowing multiple layer nested element.
-zoom extend for viewport. (size the viewport to the max of the model)
-Add snapping nodes to elements.
-Vectorial patterns (This is not a must but could be nice)
-create a pattern (hatch) boundary by clicking an area. (instead of creating a shape on top of a shape!)
-2D drawing tool just like sketchup. (lines curve auto cut)
-STOP the auto connect lines!!!
-Fix the visual bug in vectoriel mode.
-Make the text edit more constant when zoom in & out
-Make the text edit less laggy. Microsoft Word 1988 works better than this!
-Add bounding box to leaders. (Without having to edit text individually)
-Make dimensioning more intelligent when the text don’t fit.
-Full control on the SU styles. Would avoid an endless back n forth between SU & LO. (also proposed by Eneroth)
-Add locus point feature.
-Add radius and diameter dim.
-Possibility of turning shadow on with Hidden Line view style.
-Structural grid maker (dynamic please) (updating the numbering when add a axis) a bit like Revit
-Base point dimensioning.

I can keep going on allllllll night!