Side tool bar does not appear in SketchUp

The tutorial videos show a side tool bar. It does not show up in my version of SketchUp. Any thoughts on this?

Top menu>View>toolbars>select large tool set.

That’s windows but mac will be similar I believe

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Turn on the Large Tool Set.

View/Toolbars/Large tool set (Windows)

Or on Mac, View/Tool palettes/Large tool set

Aha! Thank you so much! Very much appreciate quick response!!

Thanks for quick response!!! THANKS!!!

What about taking a look at the Sketchup beginners tutorials :-):

Sorry I remembered wrong, I thought that there was an explanation of the various functions in the first video.
A good beginners book is Sketchup for Dummies, I have learned at lot about the basic functions by reading this book. There is a new release on the way:

Excellent, thanks for the help!