Selection tool very slow to select

Did you try updating your graphics driver? If you have searched this forum for your Intel HD Graphics 4000, there are mixed results in finding a good driver (which supplies the required OpenGL function calls required by SU.) Try your computer manufacturer and Intel site. Don’t rely on Windows Update to find graphics drivers.

hello, i have the same problem, it appen without change anything on my computer (windows update) i have try to update my graphic card but nothing fix my problem.
i have also try all your solution above but nothing help…
someone have find something to fix it ? i run sketchup make 2017.


Yes I updated to the latest driver. The only thing that fixed the issue was to us the trial version of Sketchup but once the period ended I had to go to Sketchup Make and now the select tool drags. Why does it work fine in the full version but not with make? Same video card drivers. Seems like the issue in with Sketchup Make and not the video card.

More likely that some automatic Win10 update did something naughty. Unless you have customized some settings in Win 10 Pro, updates will happen.

Have you tried rolling back the driver - seeing if you can get back to the driver that worked well? Start > search for device manager > open Display adapters > r-click on your Intel graphics > Properties > Driver tab > Roll Back Driver button.

Both @still4given and @wetricks, this thread only briefly summaries some information provided throughout this forum in much greater detail. By all means, search “Intel 4000” in this forum. There’s a lot of info on things that worked.

This solution helped me. I have a new SB 2, SU 2018 trial and was getting nowhere. My other S PRo4 with Su make on it was working fine and I was starting to regret my upgrade

I can’t believe that this issue is still unresolved after 6+ months since it was first discovered (or even earlier, I only found reports as far as July 2017)…

Especially that the problem is only with left-click with the Selection tool - when you right-click on a surface, it gets selected immediately, same with edges and same with unselecting by right-clicking outside the model. you can also right-click and choose various Select menu options and it works instantaneously so there is no problem with SketchUp’s selection functionality only with a left-click for some weird reason (and even stranger is its relationship with Windows Updates or Graphics Card drivers).
Why not check your Selector tool code and make it either detect this weirdness and switch to a work-around (similar to how right-click works just fine now) or just always use a different technique so it works even when Microsoft issues an update or Intel breaks whatever they’re breaking in their display driver.

The only thing I can’t do right now with right-click is select multiple surfaces as it doesn’t respect CTRL+click to add to selection…

I’ve wasted hours Today trying to get this working and I’m giving up, for now, with SketchUp until this is properly fixed (I’ve been an active SketchUp user for many years, since one of the very first versions and this is the first time I can’t use it due to an annoying bug that’s blamed on others instead of being fixed) - shame on you Trimble!

OS - Windows 10 Pro build 16299.rs3_release.170928-1534
Intel HD Graphics 630 within i7 8700K CPU
SketchUp Make 2017

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There is a fix SketchUp Pro 2018. Others can try updating or downgrading their graphics card drivers. Intel HD integrated graphics are not recommended for SketchUp (see the hardware requirements)

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I have 2018 and its no fix to this annoying problem.

What graphics card? Your profile is incomplete.

“Windows+R > dxdiag > Display”

Hi just thought I’d share this by right clicking on the sketchup logo on the desktop and selecting “run as administrator” my lag problem disappeared

When you installed SU, did you first r-click on the SU installer and choose Run as administrator?

no not used during install.

Using Run as administrator after right clicking on the installer exe is the only correct way to install SketchUp. Since you didn’t do that, SketchUp is not installed correctly.

did not know that, thank you for that info., will reinstall

Does not work for me

Thank you for this solution . It works

THANK YOU!!! :smiley:

no its not. How can I use my 1050 NVIDIA card?