Scenes Disappear when I modify my model

We don’t generally use that method for updating scenes, rather using the update option in the top left corner of the scenes menu that prompts you with which properties to save.

According to @sWilliams 's screenshot, Scene 17 is not set to save the camera view. The popup window you see when updating scenes will not override the scene settings that tell which properties are set to save with the scene. For other scenes than some “working” ones, you would normally check all the boxes.

All of these checkboxes are usually checked so that an ‘Update’ will save these settings.

Did some playing around with it. That certainly interesting how that works…

I cant think of a scenario where I wouldn’t want these items to save in any particular scene. In any case that appears to have resolved the issues with this particular scene. Thanks @sWilliams

@colin I will run the script on the next file that gives us issues and see if that helps, if not I will send you the file before all of the scenes get repaired manually

There are many time saving things you can do in the scene manager with those properties.

Say you have 3 levels of a home and want all three scenes aligned perfectly. Select the floor scene you have the position finalized. In the scene manager select the other scenes you want to match using shift or Ctrl. Then deselect camera position, then immediately reselect. Do not hit update. Now all three scenes are perfectly aligned. You can do the same for all of the parameters.

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