Remove pro from other computers

hi sketchupers
how can I remove my pro version from all other computers so I can load it on my. new computer?
thanks heaps

You don’t need to. But you would need to sign out of them. Your profile indicates you aren’t using the Pro version at all, though. Run the uninstaller.

cheers. Monospaced
when I put in the code it comes up with to many computers?

what you think

I think you need to sign out of them from those computers.

Your profile is nonsense. Please put in the correct information. The profile helps to localize some issues.

have you seen this before?

I don’t hAve them computers anymore

Login into your Trimple Account and unassign the other machines.

The license in question is a 2017 Classic license. The signing out suggestions apply to a Pro subscription.

You could contact support and explain that you don’t have access to the old PCs, in order to remove the license from them. It would be worth seeing if those machines are stashed somewhere, and start one of them up purely to get into SketchUp running so you can remove the license.

Here’s the contact form for support, if you’re not able to do that: