Reinstalling Sketchup Pro 2015 on computer that had hard drive failure and upgraded to Windows 11

I have been using Sketchup for a looooong time.

So I had Sketchup Pro 2015 installed on my computer when my hard drive crashed. When I installed it I was running Windows 10 but upgraded to Windows 11 and it was running fine.

Now I have a new C drive with a fresh install of Windows 11 but Sketchup wont accept my license credentials. There is no error message it just wont take the credentials. I read about having to uninstall but of course I could not. Also since I upgraded windows before it crashed maybe Sketchup thinks this is a new system not a reinstall.

Any ideas or experience with this?


Step up to a newer version. You will be happy with all the upgrades. Never look back!
2015 was a long while ago. I still had hair!

SketchUp 2015 isn’t compatible with Windows 11, so you might run into issues anyway