I am new in Sketch up. I have a big annoying problem uploading Ruby scripts to Sketch up. I think I am doing everything right. I downloaded windowizer.rb and placed it in the plugins folder in sketch up. I reopened Sketch up and nothing is there. That goes to any rb scripts that I put in the same folder. When i type" load windowizer.rb" in the Ruby console box it says: Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or method `windowizer’ for main:Object>
:in `'
SketchUp:1:in `eval'
I tried lots of things but nothing seems to work. I feel deflated. I really do need a tool for windows and doors as I am an architecture student.Can you help?
You can get a free version of Windowizer at Smustard.com. It will download as a .zip file. Change .zip to .rbz and you can install it with Install Extension.
I just downloaded the zip file, changed .zip to .rbz and installed it via Install Extension as I directed you in my first reply. Windowizer installed and works just fine.
Well I downloaded the windowizer 30b5.zip file to my desktop. I have renamed it to windowizer 30b5.rbz.
Then I go to Preferences/ Extensions/ Install extension/ go to desk top to find it and it is not there!
Draw a face that you want windows on, right click on it and choose Windowizer.
How do you even know you need this extension?
Did you bother to look at the usage instruction on the page from where you download it?
[quote]usage TO CREATE: Select a face (or multiple faces) and right-click to open the context menu. Select Windowizer>Windowize from the menu and answer the questions in the dialog box(es). Windows will be created based on your input.
TO EDIT: Select the pane (glass) of a window created by Windowizer and right-click to open the context menu. Select Windowizer>Edit. The first dialog will ask if you want to use the most recent settings. If you choose “Yes”, no further dialogs will open, and your window will be edited to match the current settings. If you choose “No”, a new dialog will open, showing the current settings for that window. Make the desired changes and select “OK” to change the window.
TO INHERIT: Inherit allows you to change the current settings to match the settings of an existing window. Select the pane (glass) of a window created by Windowizer and right-click to open the context menu. Select Windowizer>Inherit. The settings for new windows are now set to match those of the selected window. You can also use Inherit and Edit in combination to make one window’s settings match another window. Inherit the settings of the desired window, and then Edit the settings of the window to be changed, answering “Yes” at the first dialog.
TO ERASE: Select the pane (glass) of a window created by Windowizer and right-click to open the context menu. Select Windowizer>Erase. The window will be erased back to the frame face. The frame will remain inset to avoid possible conflicts with adjacent faces/edges.
Ok I tried it and it works!! Guys THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!! I thought it will never work You made me happy finally. I owe you one, Have a nice evening!